Tea goes missing

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Türkiye is a lover of tea he would marry tea if he could but that is weird but he didn't care if you didn't know he loves it more than the UK does he makes sure to tell everyone he knows.
Even though it may be an unhealthy obsession but he uses it to cope with his trauma and his economy problems.
That is an excuse he uses every time someone asks him why he loves it so much
But Today all of it was missing "I am going to have a panic attack where is my tea" Türkiye said to himself while trashing his room up "woah what are you looking" Bosnia said giving Türkiye the weirdest look he could give someone.
"My tea is missing!" Türkiye was still trashing his room someone had to calm him down before the house gets trashed up but this is the Balkans they wouldn't calm him down just make him more angry.
"It's just tea" Bosnia look around "it will be somewhere ur just being dramatic" Bosnia walked off
"Dramatic I will show you dramatic!" Shouted Türkiye grabbing his shirt and walking into the  room where all the Balkans were screaming and laughing "which one of you took my tea?!"
"Not me" said Serbia with a smirk "if it was you Serbia I swear to god"
"Okay that's it I am talking to you all privately if you don't like it or not." Türkiye said with a very serious tone "Serbia come with me right now."
"Ha like I would go with you kebab lover"
Suddenly Serbia was in a room with Türkiye "what the hell how am I here?!" Serbia screamed in confusion
"I punched you" Türkiye said calmly
"You bit-" Türkiye quickly interrupted Serbia
"Do you know where my Tea is?" Türkiye said looking straight into Serbias eyes to try and intimidate him
"I was with Croatia all morning " Serbia said also trying to intimidate Türkiye
"Whatever" Türkiye said writing all this down on paper
Once he had finished the paper he looked at all the answers everyone has said

•I was with Croatia
• I was asleep all morning and I saw you looking remember!
• I don't really like tea it reminds me of you and I hate you more than anything so why would I touch it I don't want to be even near you. (Bitch) -🇹🇷
• I was fighting Macedonia
• I was hiding in the shadows in the kitchen to scare
anybody (weirdo) -🇹🇷
• I was in the garden
• I was with Serbia
• i was in the kitchen making breakfast
• I was with Slovakia
• I was hiding from Serbia and Albania they have been annoying me lately
• I was asleep now leave me alone.
(Haven't asked I have not seen him lately)
I think that is everyone I have no idea who it is ahh this is sooo hard
Türkiye picked up his phone 12 missed calls from Azerbaijani
"I should phone him"
"Türkiye you left ur tea at my place you need to come and get it I hate the smell of tea and you know that"
"AZER I have been looking for it all day even threatening the Balkans!"
"Oh sorry I woke up late"
"I am coming over now!"
Türkiye went a whole day without drinking tea but was on the urge of crying for losing his tea / jk

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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