Chapter 19: Kits

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"Oh! Nari! I got a surprise that's going to make you happy!" The Lamb says in a funny tone.

"Nothing is going to make me happier than getting you back," Narinder says as he nuzzles his forehead more into The Lamb's.

"You sure nothing can make you happier?~" The Lamb asks.

"Nope, but you can try," Narinder replies.

The Lamb chuckled as they went outside and pulled in two followers. They look at Narinder as they put a finger in front of their lips and pull the trusting followers into the middle of the room.

The Lamb then pulled Narinder to stand with them. Narinder raises an eyebrow, what were they going to do? A sacrifice? That's when Narinder noticed the two were wearing necklaces but he couldn't get a good enough look when a tentacle shot up out of the floor and grabbed the two.

Their screams were loud and ugly, Narinder covered his ears. The Lamb smiles to get more excited as the tentacle went back down only to come back up a few minutes later with two new people in its grasp.

The tentacle put the two new people down. Narinder at first didn't recognize them but as he got a better look, he realized... "Aym...Baal?"

The Lamb smiles at Narinder as the two kids look around, "Master! Aym? What is this place? So much color... so many creatures...master?" Baal says as they press their backs against Aym's.

Aym was the first to notice The Lamb, "Back! Stay back! I will slice your belly open! I will cut that crown from your head! What foul place is this? Moments ago I was... I was..." Aym then looks over at Narinder, "Master?"

Narinder is silent for a minute, "Aym... Baal..." Narinder slowly creeps toward them.

Baal immediately got up and rushed into Narinder's hugs, "Master!"

"Baal!" Aym yells as he gets up, "You shouldn't hug the-"

"It's fine Aym... come here," Narinder says as he opens his arms.

Aym stares for a while before running, hugging him too.

The Lamb watches this scene with a wide smile, "I know you probably didn't get the chance to be a real father to them... now... you have the chance..."

Narinder looks down at the kits who look right back at him, "Dad?" Baal says, as if trying to see if it fits, he then laughs, "Dad!"

Aym seems to think about the name a bit longer but then mutters, "Father..." he seemed to emit a low purr, Baal followed soon after. That seemed to trigger Narinder's own purring. Three hugging cats, purring.

Baal then looks and points at The Lamb, "So... are you our mom or other dad?" he asks.

The Lamb's eyes widen and jumbled a bit at that, blush spreading across their face, "I um..."

Narinder laughs, "Now now boys. We aren't... married... unless..." Narinder looked at The Lamb, "You want to be?"

The Lamb's face goes completely red, "Geez Nari.... I mean... don't get me wrong I would love that...."

Narinder then grabs The Lamb's hands, "Then... why don't we? Or do you think it's too early?"

The Lamb looks away, a smile on their face, "I love you Nari.."

That's when the temple's doors opened, "Alright! Are y'all done being all lovey-dovey?" Kallamar asks.

Aym and Baal immediately jump into fighting positions, "Who are you!?" Aym yells.

"Father, do we have permission to attack!?" Baal asks.

"No, no, boys, that's Kallamar my brother!" Narinder explains.

"It's one of the bishops!! Attack!!" Aym yells.

"Boys no! No attacking!" Narinder says as he runs up to Kallamar, "No attacking! He... is family."

Baal lowers his weapon, "Family?"

"An...uncle..." Narinder explains.

Kallamar looks at Narinder, "Do y'all somehow have kids in the small span of time we left you?"

Narinder rolls his eyes, "Kallamar met... Aym and Baal... my sons.."

"You did!! How!? Was it some sort of ritual!?" Kallamar asks.

"No, no, they're from... when I was locked up," Narinder explains.

"Wait, I thought it was just you in that void," Kallamar says, that's when he heard a voice from behind.

"Ooh, kits… I remember, I remember… two kits in my claws… a gift… I did not want him to be… lonely…" Shamura mutters, "It's nice to see how well they have grown."

"Wait... you gave them to me...?" Narinder asks.

Shamura nods, "Yes... yes... you were always my little brother..."

Narinder smiles, "Shamura... thank you..." Narinder hugs his boys, their fur soft.

"Father.." Aym says.

"Yes Aym?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Me too!" Baal adds.

"Very well, Lamb! Our boys are hungry! Let's eat," Narinder says.

The Lamb smiles, "Alright! Heket!" The Lamb runs out of the temple and over to the kitchen. It was time for a family dinner.

"Divine bond." Narinder x The LambWhere stories live. Discover now