Jeannette As Grey Fullbuster (request)

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Me:Hello everyone, let's react to Jeannette past life as Grey Fullbuster !

(I explained the functioning of this world to them)

Athanasia:damn, Jeannette is always hot

Anastacius:agree, my daughter is the most beautiful person in the world

Lucas:you are exaggerating, I'm more hot

Athanasia:sorry, but you're just an old man who tried to act like a teenager


Athanasia:the truth hurts bitch <3

Lilian:princess !! Language !!


Félix:I can't wait to see more of Lady Jeannette past life !

Ijekiel:me too, all her life were interesting, but I hope this one is more happy

Roger:I think it is, she seem more happy here


Me:next Nosebleed

Lilian:princess !!

Athanasia:I'm fine, don't worry 👍

Lucas:what's that in her face ??

Roger:it looks like a curse or something

Anastacius:a curse...

Ijekiel:but he looks fine for me

Me:let me explain (explain because I'm lazy)

Claude:he must be strong then

Félix:that's really interesting


Lucas:oh come on, we get it he's handsome -_-

Athanasia:you're just jealous

Lucas:me ? Jealous ? Of him ? As if

Athanasia:yeah, of course you're not 🙄

Lilian:I have a question

Me:yes ?

Lilian:why he is always, or most of the times, shirtless ?

Félix:now that you said it....

Lucas:he's a pervert

Anastacius:don't talk about my daughter like that !

Athanasia:yeah ! don't talk about Jeannette like that !

Me:it's because of his magic

Ijekiel:magic ?

Me:yeah, explain his magic

Félix:I see, it must be a problem most of the time

Claude:Well, he looks like he don't really care about it

Roger:He must be accustomed to this


Athanasia:so cool !!!

Lilian:it's impressive

Félix:I think he's more powerful than our mage, right your majesty ?


Lucas:ice magic....interesting

Ijekiel:I wonder if Jeannette has always her ice magic

Roger:it would be great


Lucas:looks like this life isn't as peacefull as we though


Athanasia:can you explain what happened exactly...?


Lilian:that's horrible....

Félix:it seem she always has a tragedy in her life....


Anastacius:why....why can't she have a peacefull life for once....




Me:no comment ??

Lucas:you show us something sad before and now you expect us to comment....that ?

Me:yes, why ?

Lucas:you...never mind

Ijekiel:her dance is...great ??

Athanasia:is that a question ?

Ijekiel:hum....yeah ?

Félix:Lady Jeannette has the rythme in this life !!

Lilian:you're right, she seem to have fun

Anastacius:what a relief...

Roger:right, It's great to see her like that

Claude:sigh in relief

Me:next and the last one !

Lilian:I'm glad she has a strong relationship like that in this life

Félix:yeah, they're like brothers

Athanasia:I hope we can be like this one day

Lilian:I'm sure you will princess

Athanasia:thanks Lili

Ijekiel:I'm happy she has a brother in this life who can be with her when she need him

Roger:yeah, It's nice

Lucas:smile and think I'm glad she's okay....

Anastacius:I hope she had a good life

Claude:me too, she deserve it

Me:well, It's the end, see you next time everyone !

All:bye !/bye

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