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Vee's love life continued to be tumultuous, with failed relationships and heartbreaks. It was the worst time of her life until zavi. vee had become so engrossed in her relationship with ari that vee completely forgot about her bestfriends. vee hadn't dated for over a month after her relationship with ari but vee ran into a girl she thought was beautiful at the time named rocky at a club. vee and rocky instantly clicked and would flirt from time to time. rocky had a great body and somewhat friendly attitude. she had a gorgeous smile and was short but still curvaceous. she has brown eyes and dark red curly hair. but vee couldn't stop thinking about how ari would feel even though they weren't talking, so vee kept coming across rocky. she started to think that maybe rocky was her soulmate, but things became complicated she even introduced her to her bsf june and zavi plus some other friends she made along the way but rocky was "intimidated" by them. Rocky lied and spreaded rumors about Vee, so vee stopped meeting her at the club or anywhere near rocky . Vee began avoiding rocky and any type of contact with them. she didn't even talk to the girl anymore. one night, after a couple weeks of avoidance, vee finally ran into rocky at the supermarket where she was having an outing with June and Zavi and another friend sarah and tarah they were twins and new to the group. vee tried to ignore rocky in the store but accidentally bumped into her. vee immediately apologized but rocky acted cold and ignored vee. Vee then walked off ignoring her, which really upset rocky because she still secretly liked vee there was always sexual tension. But vee is very forgiving and walked back up to rocky and apologized  before leaving. rocky responded that she was being stupid and she was sorry for hurting vee, but she had other plans than to be friends. vee looked around to see that rocky had disappeared but instead texted vee asking to become friends again vee accepted the offer of course but will still distance herself because rocky would talk shit about her friend may.

2 more chapters left if u want more details etc lmk im an open book literally

** i only released this chapter because i wanted to***

hit that little ⭐️ right there

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