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vee told everything rocky said about may causing tension within the friend group. Vee stood her ground and stood up for may and her friends , ultimately leading to rocky being exposed and losing her friends' trust. Vee found solace in her friendships and family, pushing through the hardships with determination and resilience while also being there for her friends. But when June chose a romantic interest over their friendship, Vee felt betrayed and isolated from the people she considered her closest friends. Vee blamed herself for her anger issues and how she handled the situation but remembered she got jumped by a person she once considered her sister and she would cry to Zavi and whoever she still had left Zavi would also blame they're-self but they did nothing wrong.
They all had suffered and tried not to dwell on the pain as they lived their lives. The girls tried their best to hide their sadness and frustration with their peers while vee had the courage to fight back against their old bestfriend, but sometimes it was difficult. Vee never let herself cry, and she always fought to protect her best friend and stay strong for Zavi.

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