When they have a nightmare

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When Koga has a nightmare, he usually heads straight to your room for some comfort and cuddles. Your boyfriend doesn't even get halfway through explaining before the tears start rolling, and he turns to wipe them away, knowing Pegasus Saints don't act like this. However, when he feels you pull him close and hug him, Koga decides to hell with it and stays there with you, basking himself in the beautiful light of your radiant cosmo.

Ryuho tends to be the lone wolf type when he has a nightmare. He'll usually seat himself on the balcony to think about the nightmare, and if it comes true, then when you show up to comfort him, he throws himself into your arms. You'll stay there a while, giving Ryuho all the comfort he needs before you go to sleep again.

Subaru is more of the "I want to see if you're alive, so I'll come to your house to check," kind of person when he has a nightmare. You'd usually get a text from your shark boy that he's coming over, and he'll reach your house in seconds, busting through your window upon his arrival. However, when Subaru has a nightmare specifically about you, he doesn't have that usual spunk and explosive vigor he usually exerts when he has declared in the past he's going to be a god. When he appears in your room, Subaru looks solemn and sullen, a rare expression you almost never see.

Subaru will quickly tense up when your tender touch reaches him, and then the poor boy will start crying, tears falling from those beautiful red eyes of his. Since Subaru isn't a boy who cries very often, you will draw him into your arms and console him with gentle whispers and rubs, knowing that he needs you now.

Your night is spent cuddling with your boyfriend and regaling him of your funny clumsy moments until dawn breaks in on the two of you together.

Souma can be very emotional sometimes, which is why he quickly leaves his bedroom in the mansion whenever he has a bad nightmare. He'll often call you and ask if he can crash at your place until he feels better. When Souma arrives, he's usually in pj's and barefoot due to losing track of time on the way to your house. You will ask him what happened, and Souma just breaks down into sobs. When you should be sleeping, you're instead chatting with your boyfriend and comforting him until the sun rises in the morning.

Haruto is usually not a very emotional person, unlike Souma, and it's very difficult for him to let his emotions out. But when he has a nightmare, Haruto is frightened half to death and dashes over to your house to see if you're okay. After you question why he's not at the mansion sleeping with the other saints, Haruto will tense up and ball his fists tightly as he thinks of what to say. This usually means that it's hard for Haruto to speak of the nightmare. If you question him further, though, tears will run down Haruto's face, and he won't stop crying until you pull him close and snuggle with him into the early hours of the morning.

Eden was raised his entire life to be emotionless and not have feelings towards humans, especially Saints. When he has a nightmare of you, however, this flips on its head. Eden will usually run to your house and open your window, hoping you're still well. When you do turn out to be alive, Eden will sigh in relief and thanks the gods you are. Before long, Eden tells you of his nightmare and, in the middle of it, starts crying and fretting about losing you. You have to step in, however, when the poor sweet icicle can't stop the tears from flowing and doesn't know how to make them stop running down his cheeks. Your nights end with you and Eden nestled together under the sheets, arms around each other's waists. You're not letting go anytime soon....I can certainly tell you that.

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