Deku- Autistic reader

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Context: You go to UA and you share a dorm with Midoriya. He's the only one who knows you're autistic. y

means your name. ALSO, when this story takes place, you have the day off class.

* the necklace is a stim toy that you chew on*

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing, violence, panic attacks, and a little bit of blood. If you're sensitive to any of these things, please proceed with caution. Also if you don't read this and get triggered, that's your fault because I warned you. Please don't go into the comments saying that you had no idea what triggering things this chapter contains. You have been warned.

Readers POV: 

"Today's going to be a bad day. I just know it." I mumble to myself as I open my eyes and immediately regret it. The sun shined straight into them causing a panicky feeling. I close my eyes again and cover myself with my blanket.

I lay there for a few minutes until Midoriya walks in. "y

? you're still in bed? " He asks as he walks over to me. He smells sweet, like a mix of chocolate and peppermint. He pulls the blanket away from my face and I snatch it back and hiss. "Sorry..."  I mumble, remembering that hissing at people is rude. 

He laughs a little then says "Is there a reason why you haven't gotten out of bed?"  I grumble as I sit up to look at him. I hold eye contact for 5 seconds{Like I was trained to do} then try to explain" I just woke up and had a feeling that today was going to be horrible. Like, I have no idea what's gonna go wrong but something is."  

He looks at me for a second or two then says "Ok, well, I'll give you four options. You tell me which one sounds good right now. 1, I hug you and we talk about it. 2, I don't hug you and we talk about it. 3, I hug you then leave you alone. And, 4, I don't hug you and I leave you alone." 

I look at him, confused but also surprised about how helpful what he just said is. "I-it's something I saw online. I follow this person on TikTok who has an autistic girlfriend and she talks about what helps her be there for her girlfriend. She also has her girlfriend explain things and give advice to other autistic people. " He explain, blushing a little. "So, have you decide which option your gonna go with?' 

I nod them put up 2 fingers. "Ok. Well then, come here. "He says as he tackles me in a hug. He wraps his arms around me, gently so as not to restrain my movement because he know I hate to feel trapped. I put my head on his chest and he lay there for a little while, with our bodies entwined. 

Suddenly, he starts to pull away. It's startles me a little but it's not that big of a deal. After a few seconds, he's back to standing up in front of me. I hear a knock on the door and I flinch. Midoriya walks over and opens it up. Standing in the doorway is Ida. "y

, Midoriya, it's time for lunch." He says

"Oh, ok. We'll meet you there." He says as he closes the door and Ida goes to talk to someone else. 

He walks back over to me and attempts to get the blanket off of me{again}" Come on, y

. I let you skip breakfast but I'm not letting you skip lunch as well. You need to eat. We can even bring the food back to the dorms so you can have quiet." He pleads. I give in and stand up. I grab some clothes and walk over to the bathroom. 

I quickly get dressed and head back into our room. I see Midoriya playing on his phone and singing to himself. "Hey! You ready to go?" He asks as I walk over to my bed. "I just need my fidget and headphones." I grab my necklace* and sling my headphones around my neck. I nod to Midoriya and we head out.

TIME SKIP{outside of the cafeteria} 

"you ready, y

?" Midoriya asks as we approach the entrance to the cafetoria. Apparently, it was visible how unconfutable, because he quickly wraps his arm around me in a side hug kind of way. I feel a little better as we walk in. 

Suddenly, I'm overwhelmed with the lights and sounds. I feel that panicky feeling again, this time it's ten times worse. I stop and Midoriya tries to push me along. I push his arm off me and run back o the safety of my dorm. I hear Midoriya yelling after me but I ignore him.

When I finally get back to the room, I can't breath. I'm hyperventilating and panting{from running all the way here} Everything seems bigger than it actually is. I feel like someone shrank me and made everything else huge. 

Suddenly, I hear the door bang open and Midoriya comes running to my side. I feel him grab my shoulder and I try to swat him away but he won't let go. He pulls me in for a tight hug, constricting my movement. "Go! Get out! Just fucking leave!" I yell in a panicky tone.


! I just want to help you! Let's talk about this!" He responds. "If you wanna help me, get the fuck away from me! I can't handle this right now! So, just fuck off!" I yell. His hand is still on my shoulder but then he reaches out to touch my face.

I raise my hand and slap him clean across his face. He stumbles back, shocked. "Fine!" He storms out, clearly upset but right now, I don't care.

Deku's POV:

Tears sting my eyes as I walk my way back to the cafeteria. Why was y

acting like that? I just wanted to help them. 

I reach my destination and walk over to my friends. "Midoriya! There you are. I was starting to get worried. Wait, where's y

? I thought they were with you?" Ida says as he sees me. "Whoa! Dude, your bleeding! What happened?"  Uraraka says and I reach to feel my face. I pull my hand back down and see a gooey red liquid coat my fingers. "Don't worry I have a bandage you can use." She says as she rummages through her bag. She pulls out a band aid out and unwraps it. She leans in and places it over the small cut on my face.

"What happened?" She asks as she leans back. I bite my lip, debating how much I tell her. "I- well, y

was kinda stressed and I should've left them alone but I didn't and as a reflex from hero training, they attacked because they saw me as a threat. It's not that big of a deal and if anything it's my fault. I didn't listen to what they needed." I mutter as my phone goes off. I look and see that y

's calling. I tell Ida and Uraraka that I'm gonna head back to the dorms and take this call.

"Midoriya. I'm so sorry I hit you. " y

says through the phone as soon as I accept their call. "It was completely uncalled for. I was just overwhelmed and not thinking clearly." They explain, their voice sounding like they'd been crying for a while 


, it's ok. It was completely my fault. I should've listened to you when you asked me to leave."  I replied, trying to make them feel better.  They go silent for a little bit then I hear them sniffle. "y

? Are you crying again" I ask and they reply with a single little 'yes'.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll be right there. " I say, reassuringly. I hear them mumble 'i love you' then they hang up. I quickly make my way to our shared dorm and see them curled up in a ball on the floor{The part without the carpet} Their face was pressed against the tile as I sit next to them.

"Hey..." They mumble, not caring to lift their head off the cold tile. I can tell that their not doing well. 

"Ok, y

. Is there anything you need from me? Do you need a hug or for me to just sit with you so you don't have to be alone?" I ask, slightly swaying.  They sit up and open their arms as if they were going to hug me. I take that as the sign to hug them back. I wrap my arms around their waist and pull them closer to my chest. 

After a few minutes, we release each other and  I look into their eyes. "Thank you" They mumble and I can tell that they're doing a lot better than before.

Hey guys, I hope you like it! This chapter is just to give you an idea of what this series will look like. ALSO, PLEASE REQUEST SENERIOS AND CHARACTERS! I'M RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!

Words: 1507

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