Chapter 2 | Know A Little Bit More, Know A Little Bit Less

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Louis woke with a splitting headache

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Louis woke with a splitting headache. His surroundings blurry when he finally came to. His eyes landed on the mess he had made last night. Observing where the floor were a few small alcohol bottles where laid out. He hasn't done this since his mom died. He doesn't necessarily know why he did it. Maybe it was the thought of the band getting back together. Or the fact that Harry had agreed. Why would he agree? He's the one who chose to leave first. He kept it from him then when Louis found out he acted like it was nothing. So why was he coming back when his career could be ten times better alone.

Eventually, he did get up. Throwing the bottles out, his groggy mood pasted on his face. If he thought he looked like shit yesterday, he looked even worse today. His eyes bags were prominent, his hair was a mess, and he could tell were his waste got a little smaller after gradually losing weight over the last few years. If he looked like this in a week what would the boys think, what would Harry think. He wouldn't want him back, then again he doesn't even think Harry wants him at all,

After throwing the empty bottle out, he glanced at his phone. Showing ten missed calls from Liam and two from Niall, which was a little more surprising. Him and Niall haven't spoken since Louis congratulated him on his album and the big success of Slow Hands.

He decided to find out what it was about. But he had the inkling feeling he knew what it was about. How could he not. Louis thinks back to yesterday, how Liam had acted before they hung up. He must've known. He must've wanted to tell Louis. He knows how sensitive he is to the topic. Louis hasn't once mentioned exactly how he felt that months before and after the band broke up, and he thinks he never will.

Scrolling Louis decides to do a three way call. Calling Liam first then he'll add Niall.

"What the fuck, mate," his own voice gave him a headache. Looking where is face was plastered smaller than Liam's on his phone.

Liam's looked guilty, his face was scrunched up on the tone Louis was using, and somehow his eyes where glancing at Louis like he was a madman. Maybe it was his appearance that caught the young lads attention. Louis didn't give a shit. Liam should have told him, should have told him to ignore every call from an unknown number. It would have been so much easier if the Richard dude just couldn't reach him. Then he wouldn't have to deal with the reality he'd see Harry in a week. The one man that he loved since he was eighteen. And to make his stress levels higher. He'd have to face Zayn, a man Louis couldn't really look at. His mother told him to lose the grudge right before she died. Don't lose yourself in the hate Lou bear. You won't learn to love again unless your heart is set free from the contraption you put it in. Closing it off won't stop you from getting hurt, it will only turn you into a person you don't want to be. His moms words echoed in his head. She was right. She always was. Somehow though he couldn't. Couldn't fathom what Zayn would have to say to defend his actions.

"I'm sorry, Tommo. I just didn't want you to shut off you know," Liam's words rang in his ears. Confirming his worst fear, he'd become the man his mother told him not to be.

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