The attempt

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Dan Feng, having been growing exhausted after what happened with Baiheng, would be seen currently trying to revive her, taking up time and energy to help bring her back, since he couldn't bring himself to accept her death, and neither could anybody else of the High Cloud Quintet. Having "stolen" the power of the Abundance and with invoking the Transmutation Arcanum, he has been attempting to revive her, with the help of the craftsman Yingxing. With his hair being messy and unkept with a few knots, his eyes having a tired look as they were half closed. This process was tiring for him, and he knew he could not do it alone, fearing that he would fail his attempt, but having Yingxing's assistance was something that was helping him feel determined to try and succeed with this revival attempt of one of their friends.

This would prove to be a time consuming process, and one that was not easy to accomplish with just two people, but Dan Feng's refusal of acceptance, and Yingxing's help, was pushing him to do more and he was filled with hope that it would be successful. He was too afraid to fail, and that fear could be seen with his expression. He was growing more and more tired as this continued, going without a single break and straining himself, all for the sake of bringing their friend back. He could not accept her fate, but he was wanting to give up and accept that she would not be coming back. But he couldn't. He couldn't accept the death of a friend that he had known for so long, and his body was not ready to give up despite the amount of heavy pressure and stress that was being brought upon it. He would rather die trying than give up trying to bring her back to the High Cloud Quintet.

He would rather die, if it meant that she could finally be back with her friends. He would rather have his life taken from him if it meant that his friend could get her life back. He was too determined to stop, and he was too stubborn to accept the fact she had sacrificed herself for the High Cloud Quintet. As he looked upon the remains of what was once the foxian, he had a solemn expression on his face as he held the flesh of the Shu hu. He did not stop once for his sake, despite what the High Cloud Quintet was telling him to do, he refused to comply.

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