A long practice

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It took a ton of time, but he still hasn't gotten somewhere close to reviving his beloved friend, and yet, he is not willing to give up on trying to save her and bring her back to life. He's doing whatever it takes, let it be him neglecting his sleep, not eating, and many things similar. One thing he knows for certain, he will not rest until she is brought back. He will not rest until she is back with the High Cloud Quintet once more. He was too determined and blinded by his desire to bring her back, so much so that he was neglecting his basic needs and depriving himself of sleep just so he has a chance of bringing her back. If there was one thing he knew, he would not give up until she was back with the High Cloud Quintet once and for all, but this would prove to be something much more dangerous when it does succeed. Too blinded by his determination, Dan Feng refused to sleep, eat, and hydrate himself, neglecting what basic needs he had to fulfill, and the time consuming process would continue going until he could rest assured, knowing that it was all worth it in the end, if it did succeed.

- "Dan Feng... Darling, I know that you want to bring her back, and so do I... But you need to take care of yourself. You can't focus if you are depriving yourself of eating, drinking and sleeping! Just look at yourself! You're too exhausted to continue.... Just, please! Get some rest! You're worrying me!" Yingxing said, hoping that he would stop with what he just told Dan Feng, even if he knew the stubbornness and determination of the other wouldn't let him stop. He was at least determined to try to reason with his beloved, even if he knew he couldn't get to him with how much determination he had.

- "No. I can't stop! I won't stop... I just- I HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO BRING HER BACK! Don't stop me, Yingxing! I'm not stopping until she returns to life and-" He was cut off by Yingxing, who had pulled him into a sudden and unexpected kiss, silencing him immediately from the sudden shock. The tips of his ears and his cheeks became flushed as he looked at Yingxing, now having an irritated expression on his face from what he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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