Chapter 8: This Class is Ridikulus

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TW: SH and some graphic content

Mattheo Riddle

"Aww that's such a cute cat." I cooed petting a stray cat I had found wandering the halls while walking to Defence Agaisnt the Dark Arts. It was a silver Tabby cat with square spectacle markings around it's eyes. Those markings made it look so wise and mature.

"Mattheo..." Theo spoke in an alarming tone.

"What?" I spared a glance at him before I returned to gushing over the cat.

"That's not a cat." He spoke matter-of-factely. Am I bind or is he blind? Because all I see is a cat.

"You mean to tell me this is a guinea pig?" I asked with dry amusement.

"No. Thats professor McGonagall." What?
This is a cat. This can't be McGonagall. Its not possible.

"What the bloody hell do you mean?" I asked him while Draco and Enzo were loosing themselves laughing. What are they so happy about?

"Is there a joke I'm missing?" My eyes narrowed at my new friends. I had dropped the cat on the floor.

"Yes, Mr. Riddle. You see I am an animagus." I turned at the stern voice coming from behind me. My eyes widened as I took the form of my Transfiguration teacher. Blood started rushing faster in my veins than normal. My mind started calculating all the scenarios. Oh no oh no oh no. I can't be the reason we get kicked our of here. No. Tom and Lexi would murder me.


"Professor I promise I didn't know. I swear on my Firebolt." I pleaded and hoped nothing would happen.

"I know that Mr. Riddle. And that is why I will not give you detention. This time." She commanded, "And also because you give nice pets." She whispered the last part to me and walked away, straight as a line. I released a sigh of relief and turned back to my sniggering friends.

Those bastards.

"Not a word of this." I warned and raised my finger at them. I walked past them with them trailing behind me mustering up as much every ounce of dignity I had left, because I didn't have much left in me.

We reached the classroom and I saw Enzo move towards Lexi from the corner of my eye. He whispered something in her ear and she pointed at me and started laughing so hard she soon got out of breadth. People had started to stare at her.

Enzo spoke protectively, "What are you lot looking at? Mind your own bloody business." He glared at everyone until they all looked away.
Enzo might seem like the cute teddy bear type but he was also the one who would be first to start a fight.
And win.

I glared at my younger twin in hopes she would pipe down but her laughter only doubled over. Indignation spiked inside me. She was probably going to hold this over my head forever. Aww Merlin!

I looked around the classroom and saw Harry with Hermione and Ron. Lexi and I had contemplated telling Harry that Sirius was innocent. But Tom had strictly forbidden us from doing so. Something about the ministry wanting to torture us for information.

Professor Lupin came in and started to explain us about Boggarts.
Oh no.
This can't be happening. Not boggarts. Because boggarts would not only make our fears come to life, it would also bare them in front of everyone to see. And that meant letting the world know our weaknesses.

I looked over at Lexi to see that she had gone a few shades paler. I didn't need legilimency to know what her worst fear was. Pansy whispered something to her and she gave her a half-smile. Relief rushed through my blood. She was alright now. Plus there wasn't anything I could do to get her out of here.

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