Season one

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Authors note: I don't obey writing rules

Welcome to camp Cretaceous

"Is it on? Hey Brooklanders is your boy Trills stealing his sisters phone and-" Trills was abruptly cut off by Brooklynn from the other room "Trills did you take my phone" Trills immediately said "no why would you assume that 😅" "maybe cuz it's missing!" She stomps to the room "LIAR" Brooklynn proceeds to jump at him causing him to drop and switch off the phone and ruffling his hair.Brooklyn stops and asks him a question "did you get into this thing called Camp Cretaceous" Trills replied "yeah I already packed my stuff"

When they arrived on the shore they saw their fellow campers they all got into a single file line shoulder to shoulder where one of the camp instructors was "welcome to Isla Nublar, campers you are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness that is camp Cretaceous. I know the trip from the mainland was rough in some hello Ben" a camper that was standing next to the edge vomiting put his thumb up before continuing to throw up and the camp instructor carried on "but you made it im Dave , head counselor you heard that correctly head honcho, big shot" then as if planed a truck pulled up from behind them and out popped the second counselor and she said "ah, so sorry I'm lat welcome campers I'm Roxie head counselor of camp Cretaceous" she stood next to Dave with all the kids looking at him and he chuckles "well it's sort of a co-head counselor sort of situation" then Roxie buts in saying "is it?" And Dave clears his throat "anyway some of you won contests to be here some of you had VIP invites but for the next two weeks all of you will be getting the five star treatment!" Then Roxy takes over "as our first campers we've lined up exclusive behind the scenes tours of Jurassic World" all of the campers except Ben who whines either smile cheer or both before Roxie says "as well as kayaking rock climbing obstacle courses and of course-" "Dinosaurs?" Darius says as he rudely interrupts and everyone looks at him before Roxie continues she looks at her clip board "yes...Darius plenty of dinosaurs so ready for an adventure?" "Hell yeah" says Trills "absolutely but I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter and really lean into the majesty of this place" Brooklynn says with her phone that had been recording the entire time then Dave chuckles "okay we're going now let's get the 7 of you to camp" Ben raises his hand then says "uh there are 6 of us" "wait. Dino-kid track-star Internet girl Internet boy Barfy Texas. He's right where's 7?" Roxie checks her clip board then groans. A helicopter starts to descend near them and out steps the 7th camper "that was uncalled for" Trills shouts out the last camper says "greeting my dudes Kenji is here so let the party commence." He throws his bag at Roxie whilst saying "put this in my room" he then looks at Darius and says "so what's your deal?" Before Roxie hurls his bag right back at him then says "ok let's go"

every body proceeds to jump into the car Brooklyn sitting next to Trills and Kenji,Kenji sits next to Darius and obvi Brooklyn yazmina sits next to Sammy and Trills Sammy sits next to guess who  yazmina and Ben the car starts abruptly and everyone but Trills puts on a seat belt "why doesn't mine have a seat belt?" Trills asks Yazmina whispers "just don't die" Ben speaks to Dave and Roxie "I hope you got my mom's note I don't do well on windy roads" Brooklynn pulls out her phone and starts recording "what's up Brooklanders? It's your girls Brooklyn coming at you from the best place ever Camp Cretaceous like and subscribe to join me as I unbox Jurassic World" she puts down her phone and speaks to everyone "okay I need you all to say who you are and a little bit about yourself and action" she pulls her phone up panning it on Darius "oh um I beat this awesome VR dinosaur game I'm Darius by the-" Sammy then jumps in "I'm sorry I just can't believe you're Brooklyn I'm Sammy Gutierrez total Brooklander kapow pow pow" "so I'm just a side character then" Trills says and everyone ignores and Sammy continues "oh also my family supplies all the beef for the park and that's how I got here" "great to meet you Sammy" Brooklynn responds followed by Darius "what's a Brooklander" "oh that's just-" then Trills interrupts "what her silly little Ibiots followers call themselves your welcome" then Sammy speaks up  "uh all 27 million of us pow pow" then Yazmina quickly follows up "up that's why she's the only one who gets to keep her cell phone she's famous" Trills speaks up "I also have my phone not that anybody cares" Kenji speaks ignoring Trills "hold on rich and famous oh meant to be" he takes her phone and takes a selfie Ben proceeds to violently vomit suddenly the car swerves and Trills hold on to the seat for dear life Ben speaks up "um Dave what's going on?" Replied by Dave "nothing you need to worry about" he turns on his electric staff thingy "but you should all definitely stay in your seats" Ben proceeds to whimper and cower in the trunk whilst everyone else tries to get a look of what's happening the bushes start to rumble and a compsognathus jumps at Darius and everyone jumps away from him except Trills who kicks it and is caught by Roxie in a blanket and got put into a cat carrier everyone glared at Trills like he's crazy "what survival of the fittest" Brooklynn whispers to him "that only applies in the forest" filled by Trills where do you think we are?" Roxie just says "crisis averted these things are always getting out of their enclosure" and she puts it in the front Darius gasps and says "a real live compsognathus!" "What did you think it was a elephant" said Trills sarcastically follows by Kenji "oh please it took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it boring" then Darius says "scared you pretty good" then everyone giggled and Trills and Brooklynn took pics of Kenji and  he glares daggers at Darius  then the car starts again and everyone looked at the gates and woahed except Trills as he says "bro have none of you seen a gate before" and Dave says once more "welcome to Camp Cretaceous" as they pass through the gates there's a bump and whilst everyones laughing and whooping Trills bangs his head "ow" the car finally stops at tree massive tree house and everyone gets off Brooklyn pulls out her phone again and starts going on and on whilst Trills just wanders around listening to Roxie say the camp can house 500 kids and 150 staff and then Dave shouts "listen up announcement time co-head counsellors" and Roxie comments "psst still not a thing okay everyone there are some ground rules to cover curfews at 8 pm, lights out at 9 pm sharp" and everyone complains "this is for your safety we are in a dinosaur filled jungle. You must always keep your distance or you could be seriously hurt if not worse" Dave continues " cabins are up that a way" then yazmina zooms up saying "first one that gets top bunk" with everyone chasing after her but Darius. everyone goes to the bunks and claims one. About two hours later or so they when to go see a dinosaur herd at the observation tower and Darius starts naming dinosaurs " brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus stegosaurus ankylosaurus" Brooklynn speaks up "wow. You really do know you're stuffed. I know nerd." Then Kenji mentions a brontosaurus to try and be cool bet Darius says they don't have them and says they have sinoceratops now Dave speaks up "enough banter it's zip line party time" he buckles Ben in as he says "me? Maybe Yazmina should go first or Darius? Or anyone I don't really" he screams as he's pushed then the rest of them go cheering and laughing back at the camp everyone's sleeping except Darius Kenji and Brooklynn as Darius sneaks off followed by Kenji and Brooklynn.

If I was in camp Cretaceous Where stories live. Discover now