Season 2

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Season 2

Author note: I still don't obey writing rules and thank you for the 6 people that stuck around for this wacky story even if it's not the best

Beacon of hope

The campers are running from a
parasaurolophus with Trills taking the fifth Power Nap on Yaz's back that day suddenly a T.Rex chases the para away then the campers hide behind a fallen tree after the Dino's have gone Darius says there is bound to have food so they run to Main Street everything is destroyed and broken they find a Brooklyn cut out sponsoring phone chargers and start laughing after the laughter subsided they head inside a shop to look for a phone and find walkie talkies after a little while Brooklynn finds a camera and says "hey it's a camera and it works now I can document all the crazy stuff we've seen our rescue will be a Brooklynn exclusive that'll get my follower count back up to where it belongs" then Trills says "what level of stupid are you" followed by Yazmina "and this helps us how exactly" and Broom simply responds with a "cuz you'll be famous when you get home"  then Kenji shouts HEY and jumps infront of the camera wearing sunglasses Sammy (who found a book of Jurassic World) says there's a emergency distress beacon  right on Main Street where they were but unfortunately it doesn't have a location on the book and the rest of the chapter is glamour shots of Wu in turtlenecks so they hear to looks for the beacon and Brooklynn tells Kenji to hold the camera whilst she records herself and Kenji mentions that Brooklanders is a weird name Trills laughs as he isn't even looking for the beacon instead looking at the water where the indominus got killed Sammy then starts talking to the camera whilst everyone looks and she also mentions the weird names few minutes later Trills has set up hop scotch on the pavement and is playing instead of helping as Kenji finds a scooter and whilst Brooklynn is talking to the camera she says Brooklanders sounds weird to her too then Sammy takes the cam and is riding on the scooter exposing what all the rocks are before falling off the scooter tripping on a rock. Trills is running around for no reason before he trips and twisted his ankle and just sits in the shop in pain whilst the other camper are clueless. A few minutes later Kenji finds frozen pizza and everyone is sitting at a table taking a break.they try to eat the pizza but it's unthawed and they hurt their teeth so they but it in the sun hoping it will thaw after a few minutes of checking and the pizza still being frozen  when Kenji tries to pick up the pizza a pack of compys jump scare him and start coming from nowhere around the pizza Trills starts punching and getting mobbed by then Darius says "throw the pizza throw all off it!" So Kenji Sammy and Darius throw the pizza and all the compys follow  then Kenji Sammy and Brooklynn all start pushing each other and laughing  a few hours later everyone goes to sleep and Yaz takes the first night shift if you will and then Darius has a nightmare waking Trills up but he just looks at them talking then they just go on a little walk so Trills takes it upon himself to border up the shop so they don't get ambushed leaving a hole for Darius and Yaz to get in and he goes back to sleep. In the morning Darius gathers everybody except Trills cuz he has a dodgy ankle he looks around the corner to see the campers leaving and he just sits back then gets jumped by compys  he he manages to kill 2 and the rest just run off he then looks for for some wires and electronics to make his weak stops on his suit electric when he so pleases using some extra walkie talkies leaving one. When they come back they take one walk-in and leave without talking to Trills leaving him again he started to climb the building and let his suit charge because it's solar powered then he saw Brooklyn get her cardboard cut out and replay the video on the camera then suddenly Rexy comes walking in then starts running to the cardboard cut of and stomping on it Rexy then backed up and did her infamous roar then Brooklynn went to grab Trills and they all sneaked out of Main Street and hid behind a log and they started cheering except Trills "what the hell happened?" He muttered under his breath Darius goes on to say that they just have to stay alive till help arrives

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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