An Ignorant Morning

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I woke up with a pounding headache, growling stomach, and feeling as though I was about to throw up. My stomach rumbled from under the pristine white sheets I was covered with, alerting me to realize just how hungry I was, making me groan. After a couple of minutes of resting with my arm covering my eyes, I sat up with some difficulty. Whether the difficulty being the stitching pain covering every inch of my body or my general reluctance to get out of bed, I don't know.

The room I was in was plain to put it lightly. The walls were a off-white and my entire bed was also just plain white. There was a white door, the door frame chipped and worn down. Overhead light glared down at the oak wood flooring that was paired with a rug, (white of course.) The room held no paintings, no posters, no nothing. Infact, the only spot of color was the blue and purple hyacinth flowers that rested in a white vase, on a white side table beside my bed. The flowers emitted a soft, fragrant smell that almost covered up the stench of chemicals that seemed to cling on every inch of
A place reminiscent of a doctor's office but clearly not. A place I had woken up to without any knowledge of how I got there. Joy.

I was tempted to flop back onto my bed and go back to sleep when the door creaked open. A boy with tanned skin and wild blonde hair walked in with a clipboard, wearing a doctor's coat over a neon orange t-shirt and khaki shorts. He looks around 13, with a lanky figure and soft brown eyes. A younger boy- looking around my age, followed him meekly through the door with the confidence of a lost puppy. He had the same wild blonde locks and tanned skin as the older dude, and was holding a little notebook between shaking hands. The only difference between the two of them was the younger's light, sky blue eyes.

They had to be brothers. There was no way they weren't.

"Are you two related?" The question slipped out of my lips before I could even entertain the thought of keeping my mouth shut. Thankfully, the eldest only seemed mildly amused with my question. "We're half brothers. Same father, different mother." He replied, walking over to the side of my bed, the younger guy hiding behind him.

I attempted to shift on the bed to face the two better, but a sharp pain in my side and leg forced me to stop with a wince. "Yeah, it's best if you don't move too much. You took quite the beating before you passed out." The brown eyed boy said with a light chuckle. He took a glass of golden liquid I hadn't noticed on the side table, holding it out to me with a sympathetic smile. "Take it, it'll make you feel better."

"I don't want your drugs."

The blue eyed boy stifled a laugh from behind his brother, attempting to cover it up with a cough. His older brother, on the other hand, didn't look so amused. He pursed his lips into a thin line, narrowing his eyes at me into a stern glare. I held back the urge to cower under the look, instead straightening and returning the look.

"Have you never heard of medication?" He asked sarcastically, with a low warning tone of voice. "Have you ever heard of, 'don't take candy from strangers?" I shot back wittily.

He huffed a low laugh, shaking his head lightly in what looked like disbelief. I let myself develop a small smirk, feeling my barely-there ego grow a bit at my quick response. "Alright. You've got me there," he said. "I promise you that it's not drugged. It's just medication." I raised a brow, dropping my smirk into a frown. "Drug dealers say the same thing. Am I supposed to trust someone I just met? Nah, I was raised better than that." I crossed my arms, leaning back into the headboard.
The guy's smile dropped, replaced with a serious look. "Okay, I get it. You don't trust me and that's completely understandable. But you're in bad condition, and if you go without the medicine any longer it might be too late." He explained plainly, gesturing to the cup and his clipboard.

I glanced between him and the cup, before turning my gaze to the younger brother. Our eyes connected, and he instantly seemed to get ten times more nervous. Perfect. "Is it drugged?" I deadpanned. The boy's eyes widened almost comically, the blue of his iris standing out against his tan skin. "No! He- I mean, we wouldn't-" He stopped talking abruptly, his mouth snapping shut as if he just realized he responded at all.

Whatever, that told me all I needed to know anyways.

I turned back to the older brother, looking him up and down quizzically. "Are you actually a doctor?" I asked just to be more difficult. The blonde sighed in exasperation, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand. "Yes, I'm a doctor. I took college classes online and graduated two years ago." He ground out between clenched teeth. I shrugged at his drastic change in mood, swiping the drink from his hand. I sipped the golden liquid experimentally, nearly spitting the drink out in shock.

Chocolate chip cookies.

A drink that was handed to me by a stranger tasted exactly like my mother's homemade, special, blue chocolate chip cookies. This was beyond weird.

The blonde hadn't lied though, warmth filled my insides as I took another sip. The stinging pain all throughout my body began to fade with every sip, leaving a feeling similar to bundling up with a cup of hot chocolate, soft blankets keeping out the cold while you hide away from the universe. Even if it's only for a few seconds. It was beyond refreshing.
What wasn't refreshing, was the smug look on the brown-eyed teen's face. A pleased smirk that I desperately wanted to wipe off. If it wasn't for the fact he was the only reason I wasn't writhing in agony, I might've gotten out of bed to kick him in the balls. But unfortunately, he did provide me this little bit of heaven. So I'll have to settle for when I have no choice but to get out of bed. Then I'll kick him between the legs.

I was half-way done with the heavenly drink when it was snatched away from me. "Hey!" I protested. "I wasn't done with that!" The guy just gave me a cocky glance, putting the cup out of my reach on the side table. "If you drink anymore you'll be incinerated from the inside out. Nectar has many healing properties, but if you intake too much it'll become deadly. Moderation is key." He said, writing down in his clipboard.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to the younger brother since he seemed more tolerable. "Is he always a douchebag?" I sassed. The brother's lips ticked up in a smile, a hit of mischief in his eyes. "For as long as I can remember." He replied.


After a check-up by Micheal Yew, the brown eyed doctor that walked into my room before forcing drugs onto me, I was led out of the eye-sore bedroom by Will Solace- the younger brother.

He led me into a hallway with painted blue walls that were chipped from age. The dark wood floorboards creaked with every step we took, and I could help but cringe every time. If the floors in our apartment were this loud, I would've died years ago. The smell was gag-worthy, but not worse than our apartment. The moldy, maybe a bit musty smell was nothing compared to the poop smelling, alcohol reeking, Gabe-inhabited apartment.

A question bubbled up my throat as we passed a boarded up window, sunlight clawing through the cracks in the wood to shine on the dark hallway. "Hey Will?" I muttered, gaining the blond's attention. Creeping closer to the window, I attempted to peek through the cracks. "Yeah?" He answered after a moment, following me to the window. From outside, I caught a glimpse of the ocean. The water was a lovely hue of purples and oranges as the setting sun disappeared behind the waves.

"Where am I?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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