Did Anyone Order a Ruined Vacation?

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"I have a surprise." Mom said suddenly. "We're going to the beach."

I almost fell off the bed.

"Montauk?" Percy asked, also sitting up a bit straighter. Mom nodded, her smile widening. "Three nights- same cabin." Percy developed a smile himself, eyes practically shining with excitement.

"When?" I finally managed to find my voice, my eyes probably the size of dinner plates by now. Mom's smile widened even more. "As soon as I get changed."

I fell off the bed.

"Kalia!" Mom reached out a hand in concern, a worried frown on her face as Percy cackled behind her. I groaned, rolling over onto my back, staring at the ceiling.

I couldn't believe it, it had been a good two years since we've been to montauk. A sudden trip popping up out of nowhere was a bit more than a shock, really, it was more like a bowling ball slammed into my stomach, leaving me out of breath.

Gabe had taken that moment to appear in the doorway- surprisingly enough. He made some sort of growling sound, his greasy pig-like nose wrinkled into a grimace. "Bean dip, Sally? Didn't you hear me?" He snarled nastily. I returned the grimace, eyeing the man distastefully, but mom just smiled sweetly. "I was on my way, honey," I almost gagged at the pet-name, "we were just talking about the trip." She told Gabe, a certain gleam in her eyes that I couldn't quite place.

Gabe's eyes narrowed, his frown deepening. "The trip? You mean you were serious about that?" Percy shifted where he sat, and when I looked his face was in disappointment. "I knew it, he won't let us go." He muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at Gabe in a glare, but before I could get in a word mom spoke up. "Of course he will," she said evenly. Her smile began to look more like a smirk. "Your stepfather is just worried about money. That's all. Besides, Gabriel won't have to settle for bean dip. I'll make him enough seven-layer dip for the whole weekend. Guacamole. Sour cream. The works."

Oh. That's why she's smirking.

Gabe's expression softened at the sound of mom's infamous seven-layered dip as he scratched his triple-chin. "So this money for your trip...it comes out of your clothes bill, right?" He asked. Mom smiled sweetly, "yes honey." Gabe's frown then returned. "And you won't take my car anywhere but there and back."

Mom nodded, "we'll be very careful."

Gabe hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe if you hurry up with that seven-layered dip...And maybe if those pests apologize for interrupting my poker game."

I scoffed, wrinkling my nose. "I'm sorry for having to out up with an a-"

"We're really sorry we interrupted your incredibly important poker game. Please go back to it right now." Percy cut me off, shooting me a warning look. Gabe's eyes narrowed at us, but I ignored him in favor of giving Percy a glare.

"Yeah, whatever." He mumbled, shuffling his stupid beetle-eyed butt out the room to return to his game. Mom let out a small chuckle, and ruffled my hair from where I was still half-layed on the floor. "Thank you, Percy, though maybe next time we'll let Kalia finish her sentence. When the moment is right." She looked at the both of us with a hint of pride in her brown eyes, and I let myself develop a cocky grin. Percy huffed a laugh, giving me a look that said 'next time for sure.' I returned the expression.

Mom stood up, brushing off her skirt. "Once we get to montauk, we'll talk more about...whatever you've forgotten to tell me, okay?" She glanced at us, and I had to hold my breath. For a moment, I saw anxiety in her eyes, threatening to spill across her cheeks in salty tears. The same fear I had felt- I am feeling. The same fear I had shoved down into the pit of my stomach where it coiled into a tight knot.

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