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It was just another sweaty old day on the basic island you had moved to. Cars were zooming and people were huffing and puffing from the intense heat of the sun. Luckily, you had a little bit of excitement which was working for *the* byakuya togami. He was coming to the hotel you worked at for about a month because of his fathers VERY important projects. Luckily, It was only a matter of time before he would be flying in, so you decided, just for fun, to dress up a little! after all, you *had* admired him ever since you could remember.

After smiling to yourself whilst walking to your suite, You stepped into pretty your average sized hotel room and scurried through the basic clothes you had. A sigh escaped your mouth as you picked out the best thing you could find. A small cropped top with a floral dress, along with some pretty comfortable boots and your ugly work name-tag. You were certain byakuya would be flying in soon, so you had decided to head out to go search for any recognisable planes you could spot coming down.

it had been almost around 20 odd minutes, and you had still struggled to find any planes. until... your best friend Aoi called out from behind!
"y/n!! hey! your working for togami this month right?" She said, a wide smile spread far across her tanned face.
"yep. that's the plan." you said with a neutral expression, knowing full well you were trying not to get excited. You sighed and began daydreaming about all of the time you could spend with byakuya. No. You needed to stop. Why would this wealthy boy have an interest in, as he calls, a commoner like you? Stupid.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, his plane landed smoothly in-front of you and the doors flew open to reveal him and his father standing tall and looking incredibly gorgeous. No, you weren't talking about his father. You meant him. Byakuya.

As they carefully stepped off the plane you looked at aoi with pure excitement written all over your face. She giggled and forced you to turn back around so you didn't miss a thing. Although, Whilst fighting back a blush, You watched byakuya approach you with a look of pure disgust, which made you wonder, "is my dress too long? do i have something in my hair? is my shirt too plain? are my boots ugly?" 'No. Calm down y/n nothing is wrong.' You tell yourself over and over. He pathetically shakes your hand without a word and you feel excitement for the month ahead. Sure, he was WAY out of your league, but you were willing to do everything in your power to make him have the smallest inch of interest in you, no matter the consequences. He was byakuya Togami, and of course, everybody adored him. especially you.

After a few minutes of the togamis meeting everyone, Your boss politely ordered you to lead Togami to his room, so you did exactly that. No hesitations. You don't touch him, nor speak to him, the both of you just know to follow each other and you'll get there eventually.

"Now that i'm here, commoner, you will do what i say, got it?" he snaps with an almost sassy tone. And like that he slams his door shut, obviously too tired to deal with a boring girl like you. whilst roaming around the incredibly large hotel, the sky started to dim and you sighed before walking off to your room which was nothing compared to his gorgeously decorated suite.

The night passes and sooner or later you were woken up from the incredibly bright sun peaking through your curtains, reminding you of byakuya for the some reason. It made you smile to yourself and stand up, you body language clearly showing you were excited for the day.

"y/n. y/n open the door." Someone says before your ears picked up the familiar voice calling out for you. It was aoi! you yanked the door open and stared at her with a big cheesy grin.
"hey girll!! what's up?" you said enthusiastically.
"y/n you've GOT to see this!!" she says before grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the place she was talking about. with a girly giggle along the way, It turns out, the place she was taking you, was the pool. You expected she was just gonna take you for a stupid swim because, you know, that's aoi for you. But god, you were wrong.
"y/n look who's in the pool." She said, her eyes half shut with a smirk.
Your e/c eyes set on the familiar figure through the window in the water and you felt your body go all tingly. It was Byakuya.

"God he looks so good.." You whispered under your now heavy breath.
"what was that, y/n?" Aoi asks, a smirk over her face. She had quite obviously heard what you said, so you didn't bother repeating yourself.
"Should i go in? ask him if he needs anything?"
You suggested with a painfully thumping chest. Did you even have a pulse at this point?
She nodded enthusiastically and you walked in with an unsteady breath. Goodness, his perfect body shone in the sunlight and it almost made you all weak in the knees.
"Ah, byakuya. would you like anything for your comfort?" You ask with a small smile, but he did quite the opposite. An annoyed expression was all over him.
"No." he spits out whilst scrolling through his phone despite the fact he was literally in water.
"well are you sure?" you say, hoping for a somewhat different answer.
"God damn it would you leave already? i said I'm fine!" he says with a harsh tone, making you jump a little. but, after staring at him for a good 20 seconds, you nod whilst silently accepting defeat and walk out. aoi stares at you and you just shake your head in disappointment.

this was going to be a very long month.
~1021 words~
not the best writer so don't expect much from me but yeah 🤗

also most of this story has heavy credit to the paradise byakuya story but most parts are being changed 😻

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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