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Each character not only has their own personality, but also a major role they play in the story. They may not seem important at times, but they definitely have their moments that they shine in. This is my first story on here, Named Always and Forever. Aleheather inspired me to right this, so don't thank me for this. Thank the two icons themselves. I love each and everyone of you and I hope you really enjoy! Over and out. ❤️

Heather's a mean girl with a reputation to keep it that way. Shes always got her eye on the prize, even if it means cheating to get her way. She's good at her job, and loves that she can finally work with her friends. She's always known she never wanted a relationship until a super hot spanish guy entered the building. She loves working at Calgary's most famous nightclub, but will focusing on Alejandro be the end of her favorite job? She doesn't like being mean all the time, and claims it's just a habit of hers. People usually don't believe her, but when you really get through the dark barrier closing off her heart, she's just a girl with a gentle soul.

Alejandro is just a guy who works as a manager of the jewelry store, just a couple blocks down from the nightclub. He loves that he can be the boss for once, other than his aggravating brother, Jose. He works with a few familiar names I'll explain later, and otherwise loves the job. After a long day he decides to stop by at the nightclub that's hosting an international party that night. He thinks he's got a load off until he meets the girl that sparks something in his eyes. His parents are strict about who he dates, as he usually just does one night stands, but Alejandro wants more for this one. Will Heather really be willing to try something out?

Courtney is just a strong woman with a strong determination to reach her dream of becoming a successful lawyer one day. She works alongside Heather, and is willing to do as much as she can to help her out. She's just ended things with her boyfriend, Duncan, although their relationship was a bit on the bumpy side. Life's been hard on her, but she believes things will get better. It all just takes time.

Lindsay is not only known for her can-do attitude, but also for not being the sharpest tool in the shed. She constantly forgets her boyfriend's name, but tries her best to correct herself. She works with heather and is one of Heather's closest friends, being there since they were just kids. People may think of her as someone that's dumb, but in this story, there is more to her than what meets the eye.

The humble surfer girl, Bridgette, is the sweetest most trustworthy girl you'll ever come across. She loves not only helping Heather, but also helping anyone that's in need of it. She's extremely good at her job, but her boyfriend, Geoff, sometimes distracts her from being focused on the task. From their consecutive make-out sessions, to their constant arguments, they tend to come off as a bad couple, while deep down, you just need to see through it.

Gwen works as an employee for Alejandro, and doesn't know Heather exists until the giant party Geoff throws. Their dynamic grows more and more as the weeks go on, and is willing to be a good friend for heather to rely on. Although her appearance may make her seem lonely, and even sometimes, kind of a jerk, you truly just have got to put in the effort to get to know her for who she really is.

The sister with attitude herself, Leshawna. Not only is she iconic in every line throughout this story, but she's also got one hell of a heart. She's trying things out with her boyfriend, Harold, and just like Gwen, is willing to get to know Heather better, as long as Heather does the same. Say something rude about her or the people she loves, and she won't hesitate to smack you down.

It's your local punk, Duncan. Not only does he appear as a scary person, but he can also act like one too. He can sometimes be super full of himself which can lead to him not having the most people he can rely on. He's super close with Alejandro, from working alongside him, to hanging out with eachother a lot. Although he may seem like a total bitch, you gotta dig deeper then assuming he is just because of his looks.

Cody's just a small guy, with a childish personality. He loves sweets, almost as much as he loves his family, but recently got used to his number one stalker, Sierra. At first he thought that she was nothing more then a stalking obsessed weirdo, but later accepted that she just really loves him. He's smart, and is always willing to help Heather out.

Yes, it's Cody's number one stalker, Sierra. People always give her hate, but she chooses to ignore it, just like she should. No one approves of her affection tactics for Cody, but she could care less. She always focused on Cody, but now realized that friends are just as valueable to her then she thought.

If you ever thought that you've met someone that loves food more then anyone else, think again. Owen may sound like a food obsessed freak, but he's way more then that. His chaotic relationship with his girlfriend, Izzy, can sometimes lead to him not being focused on the task at hand. He may seem like he doesn't do much throughout the story, but later on, he'll have good development.

The psycho hose-beast herself, Izzy, is more important then she seems. She may sound like she isn't the smartest person in the world, but deep down she's a genius, just choosing not to use it. Her relationship with Owen can be a bit crazy at times, but she loves him none the less.

Tyler's not just a jock that sucks at sports, he's the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He knows Lindsay has trouble remembering people's names, but is willing to help her one hundred percent of the way. Life gets bumpy through the story for him, but after that, he's back to being the loveable jock he's known as.

The brickhouse with heart himself. Dj is not only extremely kind towards others, but he's also super caring for animals too. Nature is something he's always willing to help, even if it means putting something he loves on the line, other then his momma ofcourse. His mom is the most important thing to him, and is willing to do anything for her, no matter the circumstance.

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