Shh, I'm okay.

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Heather's Pov:

*4 days later*

My eyes flutter open, looking up to see an extremely bright light, shining right into them. I attempt to sit up but am quickly denied by the feeling of 2 hands carefully laying back down.

"You're not quite ready to sit up yet, Ms Kasuga."

I turn my head to the right and look over to see a doctor, which looks like she's in her late forties, standing next to me.

I let out a groan, followed by a mumble asking "what happened?"

"Ms Kasuga, you were hit by an incoming vehicle. You have a few broken bones, the major one being your arm, and some big bruises along your body, but otherwise you're doing okay" she says. "911 was called by Mrs burromuerto, and you were safely brought here. Thankfully, there are no fatal or life threatening injuries. You have a good amount of visitors waiting for you in the lobby so I'm going to start sending some in okay?"

I just nod my head which the doctor then turns around and walks out of the room, clipboard in her hand. I'm still confused about the whole thing and it's a lot of information to process, especially after hearing all that. A couple minutes pass by and I hear some small gasps, coming from the entrance of the room. I look up to see Bridgette, Courtney, and Geoff, all standing in the doorway.

"Heather what on earth were you thinking?!" Courtney says, running over and hugging me.

Court, that's exactly it. I wasn't thinking" I say trying to sound calm. "Hey, easy on the arm" I tell her giving her a nudge.

"Oh right" she let's go.

"So what happened?" Bridgette asks.

I finish telling them about the exact thing the doctor told me, and there is definitely more tension than I thought there would be. Courtney looks like she's about to rip someone's head off, Bridgette is sobbing her eyes out, and Geoff is hugging her looking confused about the whole thing.

"That son of a bitch. Who does he think he is? He can't just kiss you at the restaurant, and then leave you for a different woman? What is his fuckin-"

Courtney gets interrupted by the doctor walking in. The doctor explains to them that I have more visitors waiting and that they can't have them in here for too long. I just tell them about how it's really no big deal but I'm pretty sure none of them are buying it.

They finally walk out the door and I wait for the next few visitors to walk in. I hear more gasps, kind of like Courtney and Bridgette, but I look over to see it's Alejandro and his mom. What the fuck is he doing here? My eyes meet his gaze and the next thing I know, he's crying. His mom is standing there, grasping him in a hug while stroking the back of his head whispering "it's okay."

"Alejandro. It's okay. I'm okay." I finally find the courage to say. But in reality, it was all the complete opposite.

"Alejandro, really, I'm fine." I say again trying to get him to stop crying. "Come here" I say holding my non broken arm out. He slowly walks up to me, tears in his eyes, and carefully sits down on the side of my hospital bed.

I reach and grab his hand, rubbing slow circles on the back of his hand, while telling him the same thing repeatedly; "I'm okay."

He finally stops crying and I look up to where his eyes are, but he's blankly staring at me. Until he finally says "Heather, why would you do that to yourself?" He says, looking like he's about to cry again.

"Alejandro, I don't know. I saw you, you were laying with" I gulp. "Another woman, and I got all upset and the next thing I know is I'm sobbing my eyes out until everything just goes black."

"What?" Both Alejandro and his mom say, staring at me.

"I heard moaning, and I got curious so I opened the door slightly and saw you leaning over another woman" I say staring out of the small window beside me.

"I couldn't tell what was wrong. I assumed it was probably just family issues, or maybe even a small panic attack, but I didn't think anything of it at the time" Mrs burromuerto explains. "I called your name several times Heather. I watched you run into the middle of the road, until you got hit by a car. It was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen" she says.

"Heather if I was at work, how could it have been me?" He asks as a shock of realisation hits him. "Heather where was the room located?"

"Beside the bathroom, on the right of the kitchen, why?"

"What colour were the walls painted?" He asks again.

"Umm like a Midnight Blue" I say, still confused about the sudden questions.

"Jose" Alejandro growls. "¡Esa perra probablemente dejó la puerta abierta a propósito! Oh, después de esto, realmente lo entenderá" he mumbles.

(Translation: "That bitch probably left the door open on purpose! Oh, after this, he's really going to get it")

"Alejandro what is happening?" I ask looking back and forth from both of their expressions.

"Heather it wasn't me. It was my brother, Jose" he says slamming his fist on the table.

"Calm down, mi hijo" his mom tells him.

"You're right, sorry mama" he says hugging her.

"How could I be so stupid! I immediately jumped to the conclusion that you were cheating on me, but also mistaked your brother as you" I say, thinking back to the time my ex, Liam, cheated on me.

"You are not stupid Heather. I don't ever want to hear you call yourself that, because of anything, your the complete opposite" he explains. "Your the smartest woman I have ever met, Heather. I love you".

"I feel sparks all throughout my body and it's like my heart was being electrified back to life after hearing those three words.

"Alejandro, I love you too" I whisper back. "You've treated me like no one ever has and when I'm with you, I feel something I have never felt with any other guy. But behind all this really hot eye candy" I say to him with a smirk. "Is a guy with a huge heart. To me, that's the best thing someone could ever wish for" I say while stroking his hand.

"Heather, I love you more than anything on this planet. Will you be my novia?"

"Ofcourse I handsome jerk" I say while sitting up, not caring about the sharp pain running up my broken arm. I lay my lips roughly on his, making it seem like I miss the feeling, which I really do. This is reminds me like the first time we kissed at the restaurant, except this time, he doesn't taste like salmon. I quickly pull away after a bit from the sound of hearing someone cry.

"Oh mama come here" alejandro says with his arm stretched out. "You too mi angel".

I roll my eyes in response and wrap my free arm around them both, engulfed in the hug. We sit there a few minutes. There embrace feels like home. Alejandro's mom treats me better than anyone ever has, and most of all, she was the one that saved me by calling 911. But Alejandro has showed me more love than any living thing. From a week ago where we met at the bar, or from 5 days ago where we layed in the field holding hands looking at the stars above us. He's always been there for me.

We're interrupted after a bit by the doctor walking in again, and sadly had to kick them out so she can ask me a few questions.

She's asks me the last question which is "how do you feel now?"

I answer with "good" even though the pain in my arm is unbearable. But who cares at this point, because the only thing that's on my mind, is that I'm in a relationship with the love of my life. The one that makes me feel like home.

A/N: Yeah, this one is a long one but I really liked this part! I hope you guys enjoyed the little Jose twist, instead of going off at Alejandro in the comment section haha. Stay tuned for the next part, and I love yall! ❤️💕

Word Count: 1429

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