Chapter 7: The Goblet of Fire Burps Out Too Many Names

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Hazel POV

To say these past few days were interesting is an understatement. It was more like they were entertaining. Pretty much the entire student body of Hogwarts,except for the seventh years, were scrambling to find a way to get past our headmaster's age restrictions. A few thought he was bluffing about the defenses he set up and just tried to place their name in the goblet normally. Emphasis on tried. Let's just say, it didn't work out.

Then, there were the age potions. Most didn't even work, they just turned into old people or, once, a baby. Finally, Fred and George Weasley's potion seemed like it would work. Despite being pranksters, they were actually really skilled in academics, and were able to make a functioning age potion. Unfortunately, it didn't really pan out for them, and they ended up with white beards that could compete with Dumbledore's.

A lot of the seventh years were signing up, and got a lot of support from their friends. A popular Hufflepuff that Will and I were acquaintances with, Cedric Diggory, even got carried to the goblet on the shoulders of his friends. Meanwhile, Harry looked like he did not want anything to do with the cup, which meant less work for us. All we knew was that we had to put our names in because something big was going to happen with it, that we needed to take care of.

After much anticipation, it was finally the day they were choosing the champions. My friends and I were excited to get it over with, but also riddled with anxiety for which one of us would be chosen. Annabeth, Piper, and Leo were nervously discussing it, Nico was staring into space, Will and I were biting our nails in worry. Even Percy was barely eating. Percy loves food.

Dumbledore started his speech. He was talking about friendship and stuff like that, but we all knew every other student that entered were only doing it for glory. Moody was looking around wildly, even with his normal eye. He seemed to be smirking, but it was hard to tell. The tension was so tight, you could cut it with a butter knife.

Finally, Dumbledore got to the part we were all waiting for. The goblet erupted with blue flames and burped out a small slip of parchment. Dumbledore caught it out of the air and read.

"For Beauxbatons, we have...Fleur Delacour!" He called out. Everyone erupted into applause as a gorgeous blonde girl walked up to him, shook his hand, and headed to a back room.

The goblet burped out another name, with another round of blue fire. "For Durmstrang, we have...Viktor Krum!"

Everyone burst out into such a thunderous applause that I had to cover my ears, and I could still hear it loud and clear. I'd bet it would last for ten minutes if Dumbledore hadn't quieted it down. The goblet had more blue fire coming out of it as the last name was burped out.

"And for Hogwarts, we have..." he paused for a moment and I held my breath, hoping it wasn't me.

"Hazel Levesque!"

My eyes widened as everyone looked at me and started clapping. I slowly got up and walked to the old wizard. He shook my hand and gave me a small nod. Before I went into the back room, I looked at my friends. They all looked at me with sympathy, relief, and worry. But they also looked proud of me, which gave me the reassurance I needed to keep walking.

I walked into the room and went to a corner to think. That corner happened to be pretty close to the door, and demigod's hearing is better than the average human's. So that's how I heard the goblet burping out something else. How I heard everyone's whispers. How I heard Dumbledore reading out one more name. How I heard everyone's silence after hearing that Harry Potter's name came out of the Goblet of Fire.

A/N: Hey, so I just wanted to mention this, I really hate J.K. Rowling. She sucks and the only reason I even acknowledge her is because I like hp. Anyways, thanks for reading, I'll be posting the next chapter next Friday!

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