Trust Is A Reward

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For once Aizawa was in deep sleep, unfortunately, he was in deep sleep while having a nightmare. The boys were sleeping on his sides, sometime in the middle of the night they had let go of each other and dug themselves into the man's sides. However, this backfired when the man started to move in his sleep, with a violent neck twitch here and an arm spasm there. Midoryia let out a soft whimper when Aizawa's hand nudged him in the face.

Groggily, Bakugou looked around the dimly as he was awoken by Izuku's distress. When he saw himself tucked under Aizawa's arm, Bakugou angrily pushed himself away. Izuku however stayed in place, enjoying the warmth the man was providing in the cold of the early morning.

The blonde put in his hearing aids that were safety set aside, keeping an eye on the man who seemed to have appeared in their bed. Bakugou sneered at the thought that he had been snuck up on so easily but then he saw the bite mark on Aizawa's hand.

The vague memories of last night came back to Bakugou in a flash, he remembered that he bit the man by accident. But moreover, he remembered the man didn't get mad at him for his misguided behavior. Bakugou clicked his tongue annoyed, he didn't trust the man's gentle demeanor, if he had bit his mother, it would've warranted punishment. The boy had a fear that all these accidents were causing Aizawa's anger to pile up inside and would soon be let out in an explosion of hostility.

"Hmm," Izuku hummed when he was awoken by Aizawa's twitching.

Bakugou noticed that the man had a distraught expression on his face and that his breathing was a little faster than usual. It was clear that Aizawa was having a nightmare, which made the blonde uneasy. If an adult had something to fear then he should be fearful too.

"Ow," Izuku complained when Aizawa accidentally shouldered the boy off him.

"Come," Bakugou whispered, reaching a hand out to Midoryia, wanting to pull the green-haired boy away.

"Why?" Izuku questioned with a yawn, looking at Bakugou with droopy eyes since he was still muzzy.

The blonde didn't have to answer because Izuku was immediately shown why Bakugou wanted him to move. Unintentionally Aizawa twitched in his sleep and elbowed the green-haired boy in the back.

"Ouch," Izuku complained and left the man's side without another question.

"Hurting?" Bakugou questioned as his friend made it over to him.

"No, I'm okay," Midoryia reassured, Aizawa only nudged him a bit, the ouch was more out of surprise than anything.

"Why he look like that?" Izuku asked the blonde, curious about the man's unusual face.

"Having the bad dreams," Bakugou explained, certain that's what caused the man to move around in his sleep.

"Oh no!" Midoryia exclaimed with a frown, Aizawa stirred at the sound.

"Shhh!" The blonde shushed his overly loud friend.

"But he having bad dreams! Gotta wake him up!" Midoryia lowered his tone but was whisper yelling.

"No, gonna be mad," Bakugou said, afraid that waking the man would cause him to get angry.

"You think so?" Izuku asked, he knew Aizawa was nice but he trusted Katsuki's judgment more than his own.

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