Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


That night was the most restless night I've had in a while. I just couldn't settle down, the impending fight was constantly on my mind making it hard for me to settle down. It didn't help that I didn't have Edward beside me to help keep me calm.

I did things to try and take my mind off it of course. Charlie was furious that he found out from others about what happened with Mike and he wanted to take him to the station and press chargers, but I talked him out of it. He wasn't happy but understood that it'll just make things worse and people would talk more. He still wanted to give him a stern talking to, to which I reluctantly agreed.

Once Charlie had gotten over his tantrum of anger, he trudged into the living room to watch TV. I took this time to catch up on laundry, clean the entire kitchen, do my homework and emailed my mum. We hadn't spoken much but I made sure to tell her that I was okay and I even told her about Edward, making sure to gush about him so she knew how happy I am with him. I made a mental note to go visit her soon and then retired to bed after a bath.

Once I was in bed however, the thoughts hit me like a bullet train. I can't believe that even after we put precautions in place, James and his coven were still going to come to Forks. Even after reassurance about us facing it together and him not leaving me, still frightened me. I knew he would never leave but the doubt was still there. But I decided I would worry about that later, I had the safety of my family on my back. If only I were a vampire so I could actually do something and not be sat around waiting, I could help protect them and keep Charlie safe.

But if I was a vampire now, then Renesmee wouldn't be possible and my heart already longed for my daughter so I pushed them thoughts aside.

It was after 4am when I finally fell asleep, tangled in the sheets cuddling Edward's pillow. When my alarm went off I ignored it making Charlie shout me for half an hour before he stomped in and dragged me out of bed. Literally. I did my morning routine in a daze, threw on jeans and t shirt, brushed my hair and headed downstairs.

Charlie had already left for work when I reached the kitchen so I trudged around making cereal, yawning a few times; the lack of sleep catching up to me.

I was glad Charlie had left for work, one look at me would send him in a worrying panic and I had no idea if I would be able to lie to him without crying.

My phone pinged just as I was washing my bowl so I dried my hands and fished it out of my pocket.

Thinking of you. Be safe. I love you x Edward

A smile appeared on my face as I read the text. Even with the fight looming over us he managed to cheer me up. I quickly sent a reply.

I love you too. Be careful. Come back to me x

Always x

I put my phone back in my pocket and decided it was best to start heading off to school. With that in mind, I grabbed my school bag and headed out of the door. I fumbled with the pot where Edward hid my car key and walked towards it, pulling my jacket closer to my body as the harsh wind ripped against my skin. It was a cold one today.

People questioned my mood at school but I shrugged them off claiming I was still shook up about what happened yesterday. They gave me sympathetic looks but didn't question me again. They asked where the Cullens were but I lied and told them something came up at home so they'd be missing the next few days, they accepted it and the day carried on as normal.

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