Alone in Señor Hueso's restaurant -LEOSAGI FANFIC-

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"Before you leave, don't forget to see that everything is closed" Señor Hueso, the Spanish skeleton was preparing his belongings before leaving the door of his restaurant, without first saying a few words to the young samurai "And don't stay so late, because Tomorrow you must rest because it is a new day. Adios Conejito."

"Goodbye Señor Hueso" The samurai rabbit said goodbye to his boss with a wave 👋 and the skeleton nodded with a smile, closing the door behind him.

Yuichi sighed as he locked everything and crossed off the first task on the list that Señor Hueso had left him. There weren't many things to do, in fact, there were only two tasks and the first one, which was to verify that everything was closed, had already been done and now it was necessary to clean the restaurant. Because as Señor Hueso said a few minutes ago "tomorrow is a new day" and the restaurant had to be as good as new to open its doors for tomorrow day.

"Alright, time to clean up" Usagi rolled up the cuffs of his white shirt and went in search of a clean cloth so he could start cleaning the tables. It's a good thing that he had cleaned the plates, glasses and utensils before, to save time cleaning the tables.

And so the samurai spent his remaining time in the restaurant cleaning, mopping, putting away and spraying air freshener in the restaurant so that it would be impeccable, not only for tomorrow, but also for the customers and for his boss Señor Hueso.

Right now he was checking that everything was clean and apparently everything was... Wait...What was that on one of the few tables that were in the place? Ah, it was a small stain that Usagi had overlooked. Well, he'll have to go back to the kitchen for that cloth. Yuichi went to the kitchen to get the cloth, wet it with water and squeezed it out of the excess liquid. He walked towards the table and began to clean it until it was shiny.

In the process of trying to remove the stain, which was apparently a sweet liquid since it was all sticky, the rabbit's ears stood up alert that something was approaching. Maybe it was his boss who had forgotten something of his, but no, it was some kind of blue light that came from a... portal? Yes, a blue portal.

Yuichi left the table and cloth aside and looked at the portal with an arched eyebrow waiting for the owner, whom he knew VERY WELL, to come out of it.

"Hey Yu!"

Ah, it was Leonardo, the Kappa, the red-eared slider turtle who stood with his back to his portal which was closing. Leo was standing there with one of his classic smiles that he gave his boyfriend every time they saw each other.

"Leo, what are you doing here?"

"What? Can't your expert and extremely attractive ninja boyfriend visit you?"

Usagi giggled, something that infected Leo.

"Seriously, I was wondering if you were gone yet, so I came to check it out with my own eyes."

Yuichi smiled back.

"Well, as you see, I'm still here. I was cleaning one of the tables."

"I'm sorry for disturbing you at work Yu"

Leo said with a grimace and a worried tone, something that Yuichi erased by approaching and placing his hand on the turtle's cheek, causing the ninja turtle to give him a smile with a slight crimson blush.

"You don't have to apologize, in fact, I only have one table left to clean and I'm done with my tasks to do."

Leonardo nodded and pulled the samurai closer so he could wrap his arms around him and give him a soft, warm hug with a small squeeze and the rabbit happily returned the hug. But this sudden action made Yuichi hesitate. Although it was not the first time they hugged each other, since Leo left through the portal, the samurai couldn't stop thinking about how the turtle's smile seemed...false? Hurt? A happy face that hid something in his boyfriend and it wasn't the first time Leo had done this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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