Bitter Sweet

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—with Tim—

its 2am i'm still sitting here people leaving the bar one by one suddenly its only me and another group sitting in the corner i hear them get up but i don't make eye contact I just keep staring at the bottom of the glass.

"hey handsome, can i buy you a drink"

i look up at this lady offering me a drink

T- "nah i'm good"

"oh come on don't be a party pooper"

T- "fine one drink"

"two beers over here" she calls out to the bartender

"so what brings you here alone"

T- "just needed some time alone"

"here with anyone"

tim shakes his head

"how can someone looking like you be at a bar by yourself"

Tim takes a sip of his beer

"so you single"

T- "no i have a girlfriend"

"so where is she, is she gonna turn the corner and come beat me up"

T- "no she is actually away at the moment"

"oh and didnt take you with her"

T- "no she's on a work mission"

"so when does she come back"

T- "idk whenever she finishes the mission"

"soo technically your single right now"

T- "what are you getting at"

"well I mean your place will be empty because your girlfriend isn't here and"

T- "im not going to cheat on her"

"ok well what about a friendly chat i mean the bar closes in 5minutes, we could have a friendly chat"

T- "i guess that cant hurt"

"cool ill get an Uber"

Tim at this point is very drunk its 4am in the morning and he had just arrived home

T- "i cant seem to find my key"

"oh well did you check your pockets"

tim checks his pockets

T- "oh you wont believe this, they were in my pockets"

they both laugh

i'm sitting on the couch waiting for Tim when i hear someone approach the door, theres a lot of laughing and giggling, then i hear keys attempting to unlock the door but someone how they cant manage to find the keyhole. i get up from the couch and open the door.

L- "Tim"

T- "oh hello"

L- "your drunk"

T- "yep now let me go to bed"

L- "Tim... Tim... Timothy"

T- "yes"

L- "whos this"

T- "funny story i don't actually know" tim laughs while hitting Lucy's arm

"oh hi im Ava"

T- "come in Ava Have a beer with me, i'm lonely" tim pulls a sad face

Ava and Tim sit on the couch

L- "im just gonna go"

T- "where you going"

L- "out" lucy slams the door behind her

"someones grumpy"

T- "yep"

—the next morning—

i walk into the station i attempted to cover up the bags that sit under my eyes so i didn't look to tired, since i didn't get any sleep last night.

i walk in to roll call right before it starts and stand at the back no one noticing me i scan the room and notice Tim hasn't come in yet.

G- "settle down, settle down, to start roll call i would like to congratulate Officer Chen on completing her UC mission taking down Richard a big Drug boss and i would like to say welcome back! now has anyone seen Bradford"

Everyone turns to look at me, i would know if i stayed at home last night but instead i slept in the car just as i shake my head Tim walks through the doors.

G- "oh look who decided to show up"

T- "ahh sorry sir i.."

G- "save it your late now where was i"

Tim stands with Lucy at the back.

I look at Lucy and she looks back at me and then turns he head back to the front

Theres a break in the roll call everyone is chatting amongst themselves i take it as a chance to talk to Lucy.

T- "uh welcome back"

lucy just looks at Tim

T- "Luce im.."

L- "we are actually in roll call"

T- "Can we talk after roll call"

lucy just looks at tim ignoring his question

G- "righto so partners today are Lopez and Chen you are on patrol together, Bradford and Nolan, Juarez and Harper. Lastly Aaron you are on desk duty, now stay safe out there on patrol today and Chen i need a word with you and Lopez. Right Dismissed.

Tim looks at me as i walk up to Grey

I see Lucy walking up to Grey so i wait just outside the door for her i really need to talk to her.

G- "Chen good to have you back this afternoon ill need you to write a full review on you UC case"

L- "understood sir"

G- "lopez keep Lucy awake i understand she has had non stop work for the last two months"

A- "yes sir"

G- "if you need anything just come ask"

A,L- "yes sir"

G- "ok you may leave be safe"

i'm walking out of roll call and i see Tim standing by the door

T- "hey luce can we talk"

L- "Bradford i'm actually on patrol and so are you so i suggest we get back to work"

T- "luce please two mins i really just wanna talk to you"

L- "and as i said before no i need to get back to work"

lucy walks away tim grabs her arm

T- "Luce"

Lucy pulls her hand out of her grip

L- "leave it Tim please"

she continues walking away

Angela turns back to look at Grey shocked to what they had both witnessed

Angela walks past Tim and gives him a soft smile

G- "Bradford to work please don't leave Nolan waiting"

Grey doesn't get a response instead Tim just walks off to the garage. 

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