theres more.

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—with Angela and Lucy—

A- "what was that"

L- "nothing can we just go"

A- "no not until i find out what is going on"

L- "nothing just drop it"

A- "Lucy.."

L- "fine"

L- "i got home last night Tim wasn't home it was 2am in the morning surprising the house was clean but because he wasn't home i just sat on the couch waiting"

A- "yeah we were at the bar i left at 1am tho"

L- "anyways it got to 4am and i was about to go to sleep but i heard people at the door so i opened it and Tim was clearly drunk he said oh hello and then walked past me and said he was going to bed"

A- "of course he did" Angela said while rolling his eyes

L- "and then..."

A- "theres more?"

L- "yeah i asked who he was with and he said he didn't know so she introduced herself as Ava and then i left and slept in my car all night"

A- "he came home with someone" Angela is shocked

L- "a very gorgeous women"

A- "oh lucy"

L- "what makes it worse i could hear them flirting when i left, i shouldn't of left them alone but he seemed happy with her but didn't seem happy when he saw me"

A- "do you want me to talk to him"

L- "no i dont want to drag people into our stupid mess"

A- "lucy i dont mind"

L- "actually can i stay at yours tonight i dont wanna go home with tim just yet"

A- "yeah sure Wesley should be fine with it"

L- "thanks"

—After work—

Tim is waiting outside the women's locker room

N- "waiting for someone"

T- "ah yeah lucy"

N- "sorry Bradford but she's not in there i think she left a little while ago"

T- "oh, have a good night"

N- "yeah you too"

A- "luce you should go and pack some clothes for tonight and tomorrow"

L- "yeah i probably should"

Lucy and Angela arrive at the apartment

L- "grab a seat ill be a sec"

Angela nods while Lucy goes into the bedroom to put a bag together

A- "Tim hi what are you doing here"

T- "i live here, what are you doing here"

lucy walks out of the bedroom seeing Tim standing with Angela

T- "lucy i uh waited for you at the station"

L- "oh me and ange left early beat the traffic ya know"

T- "your not avoiding me?"

L- "and why would i do that"

T- "idk you have been mad at me since last night"

L- "and why is that"

T- "you tell me lucy"

L- "because Tim you basically ignored me last night i was trying to surprise you instead you bring some chick home and just say hi to me, how do you think that makes me feel Tim. i get you were drunk but i wanted to come home to you but instead i came home to my car and someone who i don't even know"

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