Chapter 5

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It's been a few days since I saw Pete, it feels like he's avoiding me. I have messaged him several times, about eating together, but he always turns me down.
Have I done or said something to him, and he is angry with me.

I thought about the time we were in my dorm, maybe he didn't like that I touched his face.

The way his skin felt in my hand, the way I want to pinch his cheeks... Stop it, what am I thinking about. Thought Ae in his head.

I was walking out of the shower drying my hair. And walked up to my wardrobe and change to my school uniform, and then Pond said something.

Pond: Pete likes you.

Ae: Nonsense...

Pond: Keep saying that. I'm pretty sure what I saw, he is obviously targeting you. I saw the way he was looking at you. I know that I only met him once, it isn't that hard to figure it out, that he likes you.

Ae: He doesn't have many friends.

Pond: He likes you, better be careful. Many manly men like you... that don't know about this things.

Ae: You don't really know him, so you better shut up.

Pond: Just watch out for your ass.

Ae: Do you wanna go to class or keep talking nonsense.

Just when he said that he left the dorm room, leaving Pond behind.

Pond: hey, wait for me.

I was sitting in my classroom with Pond, and my two other friends, Ping and Bow. Class had just ended, and it was around lunchtime.

Bow: so, where should we eat today?

Ae: The canteen at the IC?

Pond: What is it with you? Something must be going on between you guys? You always want to spend time with Pete.

Ping: who is Pete?

Pond: He is Ae's new friend, that he meet a few weeks ago.

Ae: Hey, Pond. Shut up before I smack you.

Pond: Okay, okay. I stop.

Ae: What do you guys say, are you coming to the IC?

Ping: No, it's too far.

Bow: Same here. I don't have a long lunch today, so I'll eat something here.

Ae: Ok then, I'm leaving.

Ping: Sure, dude. I'll see you.

Ae: Bye.

Pond: Ok... I have to stick my nose into his business. I'll keep you guys updated. Hey Ae! Wait for me!

After I left my friends and was on my way to my bike, to meet Pete. I heard Pond calling and running after me. Sometimes he really is too much, always so nosy. We were standing outside the IC building, on the other side of the road waiting for him.

I had just messaged Pete that I was outside, and after some minutes. I saw him walking out the door.
Then he stopped and picked up his phone, he started to look around. When he saw me standing there, he smiled.

And I swear that when I see him smile, it feels like when the sun comes out after a stormy day.
And for a second, I felt my heart beat racing.

But then I saw a man walking towards Pete, looking at his phone with a drink in his hand. Not looking where he is going.

After that man walked into Pete I thought he would apologize, but started to yell instead. Pete's needs my help.

Pete POV:

I know that I have been avoiding Ae... I was so scared to show my face after I had that dream of him. After that dream, I have realized that I like Ae.

But I will never tell him about my feelings for him. When I saw him on the other side of the road, I couldn't help myself from smiling.
He is so handsome...

But then all of sudden someone walked into me and spilled their drink. And the person started yelling at me.

... : Look at what you did!

Pete: Sorry... let me pa...

He didn't let me finish before he grabbed the collar of my shirt, and pushed me into the wall.

... : Now you listen to me you son of bitch. Do you know how much this shirt cost? You are going to pay for it.

I started to get scared and thought he was going to hit me, but then I heard Ae's voice. And Ae pushed him away from me.

Ae: what do you think you are doing to my friend?

... : You stay out of it shorty!

Ae: Not when you bother my friend.

Ae: Are you okay?

Pete: I'm okay.

... : This bitch needs to pay for my shirt, he spilled my drink on me.

Ae: No, he doesn't. I saw you walking into him and didn't look where you were going, we can watch the security cameras and see whose fault it was.

When Ae said that, the man backed off and then walked away mad.

... : Just you wait, I'll get you for this.

Pete: Ae... Thank you, for helping me. And I'm sorry for troubling you again. You're always helping me...

Ae: Pete... Am I only an acquaintance for you? For me, you are my friend. Do you know what friends are for?
No matter what difficulties my friends get, or any types of troubles. I'm ready to move mountains for them.
Do you understand?

When I heard Ae's words, it made me really happy. And he is making it so hard for me to stop liking him. Especially the way when he is patting my head, it feels nice.

Pond: So, are you done looking at each other?

Ae: Shut up...

Ae: Now, let's go and get food, I'm hungry.


I was sitting on my bed doing homework, and Pond walked up to me talking about the mix blind date he was on, with his friends. He wouldn't stop talking, but when I thought he was done. Started asking about Pete.

Pond: You know I thought I figured Pete out, but I guess it's not the way I thought.

Ae: What do you mean?

Pond: At first, I thought Pete is a top. But after I saw he was pushed to the wall that.
I think... He's a bottom.

Ae: What the heck is top or bottom?

Pond: Come on... The one that gives and the one that receives. The one that gives, is the top.
And the one that receives, is the bottom. But there is some that switch. I have heard som say, seme and uke.

Ae: Pervert... How do you know all this?

Pond: My ex girlfriend had a manga book, and I thought it was just a regular book. So I started reading it, then I found out it was yaoi.

Ae: I am going to take a shower.

Pond: Ae, I'm telling you, today I realized that a handsome boy like Pete is a weak schoolboy with no power. When I saw you rushing up to save him, it was so cool. I'm sure you're the top.

Pond: I think you two are quite perfect for each other actually. A fragile one like Pete, and a... "tiny" one like you. Totally fit for each other...

Just as he said that I smacked his head and then went to the bathroom. Pond is really a nosy pervert, but I couldn't help but think about Pete.

Me topping Pete... Thought Ae in his head.

When I thought of me topping Pete, for a second I felt something in my heart. I didn't know what it was, what is this feeling.

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