I Like Flowers

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Request: no

Pairing: Shoto Todoroki X Reader

Warnings: nope! Reader does own her own flower shop, and they are still highschool age.

Title: "I Like Flowers"

The flower shop was always pretty busy. People from all over Japan came to buy one of your beautiful arrangements.


So, you've seen and met a lot of different people, but one person, one boy that looked to be about your age, always caught your eye.


He was a weekly regular, always stopping in to get the same arrangement of flowers every Saturday morning.


He had half red hair, half white hair, a burn scar over his left eye which was blue while the other was gray, and he was absolutely GORGEOUS.


He was kind, just very quiet. But so were you, so it didn't really make a difference.


He seemed very stoic, his expression always lacking a little bit of emotion.


Still, he was the most beautiful man that ever walked the earth and you were sure that you fell in love with him at first sight.


You recognized who it was after a while, it was that kid who got 2nd place at the U.A. Sports Festival, a.k.a., Endeavor's kid.


You then knew that if there was even the slightest chance that you could get this guy's number before, there DEFINITELY wouldn't be one now.


But slowly, his visits started becoming fewer and fewer.


And with him being a hero in training, and with what's happening with the L.O.V, you had room to worry a little bit.


It was all over the news- that failed attempt to stop Tomura Shigaraki from his reign over the Paranormal Liberation, and that Shoto Todoroki, along with others like Katsuki Bakugo, Mirio Togata, Best Jeanist, Eraserhead, and Izuku Midoriya were hospitalized.


You quickly did your research and found out which hospital they were all being held at, grabbed the same arrangement that you always see Shoto picking out, locked up the shop, and drove to the said hospital.


When the nurses and front desk questioned your relationship with him, telling you that only family could visit him, you quickly said,


"I'm- I'm his fiance! See? Here's my ring!"


You quickly shuffled your pointer finger ring to your ring finger and showed the woman, she nodded and quickly let you in, showing you his room number.


What an idiot.


When you made it to his room and knocked on the door, you heard a tiny, "Come in,"


You opened the door slowly and walked into the room, closing it behind you.


You could see the confusion in his face when he laid his eyes upon you, but the expression quickly changed to recognition when he realized he used to see you behind the counter of a well-known flower shop every weekend.


"You're- you're the flower lady? With the store?"


You nodded and blushed.


"I- I came to drop these off for you, actually. You seem to get these all the time and when I heard about you getting hurt I figured you wouldn't be able to get them so I-"


You stopped yourself mid-ramble, more embarrassed than before. You set the arrangement on the bedside table next to him.


"I actually got those for my mother. She's been hospitalized for a while due to a mental illness and I went to see her every Saturday."


Oh, that made more sense. This was quite the girly arrangement, you figured.


"Oh, I can take them back if you don't like them-"


"That's alright. I can pay you if you want, for the flowers," he offered.


You blushed.


"No, that's okay. These- these were extra anyways. No one's really stopping by the shop anymore so I'm trying to get rid of all the extras."


Shoto seemed to think for a minute.


"No one really had time to stop in to see me, either."


Way to bring down the mood even more, dude.


"I'm s-" "I like flowers."


He interrupted you.


You paused and looked at his bandaged up face a little closer.


He was still as handsome as ever, and your face flushed even more.


Shoto looked at you, too. He never really got the chance to when he bought your flowers.


The way your hair lay over your shoulders so gracefully, the way your eyes seem to sparkle in the rays from the window.


His face turned a little red, too.


You smiled a little.


You took a seat in the chair next to his bed.


"You know, that's my quirk. I can grow flowers out of my hands," you spoke.


He seemed to perk up at that.


You two talked for hours that day, until he asked,


"So how did they even let you in here, anyways?"


Your face exploded in red.


"I-I had to tell them I was your fiance, sorry about that."


You felt his hand wrap around yours gently, and pull it towards him.


"Maybe my fiance is a little fast. Why don't we start with something like a girlfriend?"

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