Why are you so mean!

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"Mommy!" Sullyoon shouted while running down the stairs

"Yes my love?" Sana shouted back, in the kitchen doing their dinner

Sana turned around and saw Sullyoon crying face

"Omo omo, why are you crying baby?" Sana asked Sullyoon then get on one knee, wiping Sullyoon's tears

Sullyoon keep on sobbing that made Sana pouted then pulled Sullyoon closer to her chest

"Shh, calm down first then you tell mommy what's wrong okay?" Sana said

Tzuyu walk inside the kitchen wanting to get some water, because her throat is feeling thirsty after being in her home office all day not until she saw Sana on the floor with Sullyoon on her chest

"What's up?" Tzuyu asked walking toward those two

Sullyoon look toward Tzuyu, Tzuyu's eyes widen as soon as she saw Sullyoon red face

"Who made my baby cry?" Tzuyu asked softly

"Did mommy made you cry? if she did I'll scold her for you okay?" Tzuyu said

Sana glared at Tzuyu then slap her left arm uncontrollably

"Ouch ouch ouch! That hurts like hell darling!" Tzuyu said but Sana keep on slapping Tzuyu's left arm

Sullyoon laugh at how funny her moms are right now

"Why are you so mean! I was comforting her! Do you want to get killed or what?!" Sana said

"Calm down baby, i was just trying to lighten my little sweetheart's mood" Tzuyu said while laughing

"You're not funny.." Sana said still glaring at Tzuyu with her lips pouting

Tzuyu chuckled then peck Sana's lips and pick up Sullyoon

"Why don't you tell mom what happened and who made you cry hm?" Tzuyu asked Sullyoon

"i- i accidentally broke one of mommy's favourite perfumes.." Sullyoon said looking down

Sana's eyes widen

"My favourite perfume? Aw honey did you think i was gonna get mad at you huh?" Sana said while pouting

Sullyoon nodded

"I won't baby, it's okay i can replace it you know?" Sana said then smile and pinch Sullyoon left cheek softly

Tzuyu smiles at those two then put Sullyoon on the counter

"Come on baby, I'll help you with the dinner." Tzuyu said to Sana then put her right arm around Sana's waist

Sana smile

"Thank you, you didn't have to though it's almost ready." Sana said

"I said what i said now keep quiet and let me help you." Tzuyu said glaring at Sana

Sana chuckled then peck Tzuyu's lips

"Okay okay calm down." Sana said

Sana is getting all the plates and glass for their dinner and Tzuyu is making water meanwhile Sullyoon is watching them after that Tzuyu called her other daughters to come downstairs to eat dinner


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