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Hello again. I know the chapters are short, but I write them on my phone, so it's a bit hard. But I'll try to make them longer. Also, Jamie is 5. Vote&comment please!

Being with Jamie wasn't hard at all. Sure, he sometimes threw little hissy fits that looked only cute to Louis' eyes, but besides that everything was as fun as they could be. He gave him cubed fruit and some candy as snack and pasta for meal. Jamie seemed like he adored pasta so Louis was proud of himself for keeping Jamie satisfied.

The boy also reminded him of Harry a lot. He had Harry's curls and that only was a reason to know that he was Harry's, but he also had a copy of a pair of Harry's eyes. His lips and nose were Harry's. Louis couldn't believe that a child could look so much like his dad. Didn't he get at least a little something from his mother?

Thinking about Harry's ex-wife made him kinda nauseous, so he stopped before it could get to him. Jamie was having a nap upstairs in his room and he had nothing to do besides laying on the couch, watching some bullshit sitcom. It was weird having some quiet to himself after hearing little guy's voice non-stop for two entire hours but he couldn't say he didn't like it. He just now realized that he was a little bit tired. Time was flying when he was with Jamie and he didn't even notice how tired his body waas getting, even though all he did was playing with Jamie and fixing him something to eat. So that's what people was talking about when they said having a child could take away all your life.

After one and a half hour of sitting boredly in front of tv, he heard a small voice coming from the stairs and he turned his head so fastly he almost broke his neck.


Jamie was standing there, little fist clinging to his blue pajamas and the other one rubbing small circles on his left eye. His hair was literally everywhere and it was obvious that he just woke up. Louis muted the tv before standing up and walking to Jamie to embrace him in a loving hug. He realized Jamie flinch when he stood up again but with Jamie in his arms this time.

"Hey, bub. What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

Jamie shook his head. "I woke up and now I don't wanna sleep."

Louis remembered something about Jamie being bound to complete his nap hours but he felt like he could let it slip for once. He nodded while looking straight at Jamie's cloudy eyes. Jamie smiled really big and clung to Louis' neck again.

They spent the next three hours eating popcorn and watching whatever Jamie wanted to watch. Apparently it was a special occasion for him to have someone as cute as Louis looking after him, so he was going to get as much as he could out of him.


After he tucked Jamie in and kissed him goodnight, he fixed his hair and mascara in the toilet and started to wait by the door with his phone in his hand. It was already seven pm, the exact time Harry was supposed to come get him. His heart was beating almost out of his chest and he was scared he would get a panic attack. Thoughts about Harry taking him out just to make fun of him was starting to creep into his mind which made him want to slap himself repeatedly. It was very possible but he didn't need to focus on that right now. He had to focus on how good Harry was going to look and what a good time they were going to have. Or else he would ruin it all.

After a few more minutes of playing Candy Crush boredly on his phone, the slight sound of the key turning echoed at the hall. Louis brushed his fingers through his hair as a last attempt to look good. And then Harry was in front of him, looking all hot in his work suit. God, Louis was no different than a monkey when he got back from work, what was even this man about?

"Hey," He breathed. Harry smiled at him and held out his hand for him to hold. Louis swallowed before pressing his hand against Harry's.

"Hello, darling," He murmured with a voice that made Louis' insides tingle. He gave a pleasant smile to the man.

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