New to society

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Chapter 2:
New to society
Her family had already died when she was just two years old, so she never learned survival skills yet she lived in a jungle by herself. She never learned how to read and write. Everyone knows her as the "jungle girl" because some saw her lurking around for food. She was isolated herself from society but over time she needs to came out of the jungle to get food since the food there in the jungle weren't edible or poisened. She collected clothes that is thrown to the jungle. She makes a new outfit with different part of the clothes that she collected. When she came out of the shadow and revealed herself to society, everyone look at her which made her uncomfortable, pulling her outfit in case that her body is showing to much. Everyone makes weird comments about her body, she than stand in front of shop, a bread shop. She ask " i want bread" to the man selling. "How much?" "Ummm, four?" "Well, that will be eleven dollars" Aiko with a confused face ask " eleven? Dollars? What's that?" The man ask if she is new here, she, who isolated herself from everyone, is new to stuff like this so she confidentiality said "yes". "Well than you can just take it, you don't have to pay" the smiling man thinking she might want to reward him. " Thanks" Aiko grabbed the bread and left.

(Chapter 3 is out!)

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