big secret

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Chapter 4:
Big secret
Months has passed, Aiko learn more new things and gaining feeling towards Hana . She wasn't sure what feeling, she just wants Hana to be safe and is loved by the right people, but she feels something is off about Hana. Hana on the other hand have also gain trust towards Aiko. One day, Hana confessed a secret to Aiko that 'she' never reveal to anyone. Aiko came to 'her' house that evening, Hana look a bit gloomy that day. Aiko ask "Hana, are you alright?" Hana didn't respond. Hana ask Aiko to sit down first than she grab Aiko's hand "Aiko...I want to tell you something... I've always wanted to tell you but i.. just couldn't.. i-" "what ever it is I'll always be your friend" Aiko saying before Hana can. " Well... It's just.. im not sure if you'll still be my friend after i said this.. I'm... Not really who i am .." Aiko was still confused by what Hana said "sorry, what?" "I'm.... Not.... I'm not... Something that you would think i am". Hana was shock by the sudden movement. Aiko grab Hana's hand, " look, if you want to tell me something, just tell me. It's not like im going to stop being your friend". Hana cried while Aiko is confused by the sudden change of emotion. Hana calm down after a moment, " ahhh... I really don't deserve you" 'she' smiles while whipping 'her' tears off. "Hey! I'm just a girl who came from the jungle! If anything, you deserve better than me!" Aiko said. "You see I' A boy..." Hana said to Aiko who's confused but yet is... happy? "Well, why did you hide the fact you're a boy?" Aiko with mix of emotion but is relief that Hana told her.

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