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Ranpo knows that Yosano was just joking but he did thought about the deal.

He's honestly just confused why would someone he just met would make a deal with him, to be his boyfriend and FOR A YEAR?? That's absolutely ridiculous!

Well he does need a date to be able to go to the party but that's obviously not the point. There's just honestly no way that he'd accept that deal.

He doesn't even know what's the name of the guy!

And besides the party is only for a day..

He doesn't even wanna go to that stupid party but here he is trying to find the guy.

Ranpo just sighs in frustration as he tries to find the guy.

Until finally after at least half an hour of searching, he bumped into someone.

It's a brunette.. covered in bandages..?

Ranpo stood up and the so called brunette apologized to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't looked where I was going."

"It's you!" Ranpo exclaimed, pointing at Poe.

"Poe? Do you know him?" The brunette questioned.


"Poe.. So that's your name huh.."

"Come with me Poe, I wanna talk to you about something"

Ranpo just then dragged Poe to the nearest locker.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

"The deal"

Poe smirks a bit and replied "What about it?"

"You see, my friends are going to the party next week, I'm sure you've heard of it, and I kinda wanna go with them."


"And I wanted to ask if you'll go with me, but I know that you won't if I don't accept the deal so I'll accept it but can you reduce the time? One year is too long"

"no, take it or leave it"

"fine, but you better be on your behaviour because there's no way I'm gonna date a troublemaker"

"yeah yeah yeah, whatever"

A deal of a life time | Ranpoe fanfic Where stories live. Discover now