✨️ a requests by decidueye24✨️

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So this chatper is not cannon since this was just a request by decidueye24 and kittystarly is still in her smiling critter form and this is like a oneshot

POV: kittystarly

When i was just hanging with craftycorn and bobby bearhug. Bobby bearhug got a idea and she say. "Hey we should wear tutus and dance ballet together in kittystarly room". As me and crafthcorn look at bobby bearhug a bit in shock but we agree anyaway.

Time skip

We were in my room as bobby bearhug give me and craftycorn tutus and we begin to do ballet dancing as i was doing some ballet move that i know as we were enjoying until someone open my door and we look at the door. And saw it was dogday as i was blushing hard in embarrased and craftycorn was also embarrased but bobby bearhug wasn't as i ask dogday what he want and dogday said he want to hang out with me as i nodded at dogday and i decide to hang out with him now and i take off the tutus and i go with dogday.

The end also kittystarly is a simp for dogday ever tho she dated him lol.

smiling critters x KittystarlyWhere stories live. Discover now