01. A king and his family

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- : - : - : - "Does anyone know who she is?" - : - : - : -

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- : - : - : - "Does anyone know who she is?" - : - : - : -

126 AC - Driftmark

Growing up on Driftmark Valyria were very close with both Laena and Laenor. So when Rhaenys came to her chambers with the news of Lady Laenas death it broke her. The two princesses sat in Valyria's bed embracing each other the rest of that night.

The morning of Laenas funeral day, Valyria was getting ready in her chambers. She had just put on a blue and black gown when Rhaella and Baela entered her room. The girls had just met the day before but they already felt like they had known each other for years. 

"Are you ready? Grandmother says it's about to start." Valyria nodded to the girl interlocking her arms with both of them. The walk felt too quick to the three girls liking. Baella and Rhaella didn't feel ready to say goodbye to their mother and Valyria had to meet her uncles and cousins for the first time. Valyria had heard stories about them growing up. Rhaenys would make sure she knew everything about her parents and how she was the rightful heir. As Valyria grew older she began to understand more and her hatred towards King Viserys only grew by the day. 

Now the thing is if he hadn't made his daughter heir Valyria wouldn't be mad at him or see herself as rightful heir. But by making Rhaenyra his heir he shows that a woman can sit the iron throne and when the time is ready Valyria will claim what is rightfully hers.

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The funeral was peaceful and after watching Lady Laena return to the sea Valyria walked up to Laenor who wasn't looking his best. "I am sorry for your loss, cousin." Laenor gave her a small smile. "I know you loved her as much as i did so i am sorry for your loss too, sister." Valyria smiled at him Laena had always referred to her as sister but that was Laenor's first time doing so.

Valyria joined Baella and Rhaella on a bench by the railing away from all the guests. In another corner of the party stood the kings sons. Aerys and Aemond was curious as to who the white haired girl was. "Do you think she's a Targaryen bastard" Aerys' question was mostly directed towards Aemond as Aegon was busy drowning down cup after cup of wine. "I don't know."

Aegon finally seeing what his brothers were looking at asked "Does anyone know who she is?" the two brothers shaked their heads. Seeing Rhaenys join the girls by the bench Aerys spoke again. "Seems like the Princess Rhaenys does."

"I reckon shes either Princess Rhaenys' bastard or our uncle Daemons bastard." Aegon said before walking away to find more wine. Aemond walked away to find his sister while Aerys still stood in the same place watching the girl with curiousity. 

Valyria not listening to what her aunt was telling the girls scanned her eyes around looking at the different faces in the party. Right before looking back to her aunt her gaze caught someone elses, a boys. He had long brown curled hair at first Valyria didn't regonize him but when she remebered he was one of the Kings sons she looked away. She didn't like the King so why would she like any of his sons. Returning her attention back to her aunt she couldn't stop thinking about the boy.

"I want you girls to go to bed." As Rhaella and Baela started to walk away Valyria got up to follow after them. "Not you, Val. I need to talk to you first, meet me in my chambers." Valyria nooded at Rhaenys before walking back into the castle. 

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Valyria stood in her aunts chambers a few minutes before Rhaenys joined her. The woman walked up to Valyria and hugged her. "Did you wish to talk to me about something or did you just want a hug." Rhaenys let out a small chuckle at the girls words.

"No, i wished to tell of something." Rhaenys' facial expression turned all serious in that moment. "After seeing you with his own eyes the king has come with a proposal." Holding the girl by her shoulders she gave her a small smile before continuing. "A marriage proposal." 

Valyria frowned her eyebrows and took a step back letting Rhaenys' hands fall of her shoulders. "Who does he think he is wanting nothing to do with me and then all of a sudden coming here and offering my hand away?"

"Do you not even wish to hear who he has offered." Rhaenys knew the girl well enough to know she was always curious.

"Fine. Wich old lord wants my hand this time?" Valyria had already gotten many marriage proposals from lords all around the seven kingdoms. But Valyria had turned them all down knowing they only wanted her for her status and her Targaryen looks.

"The king offers his second son Aerys." 

"Why would he want me, a girl he knows hates him, to marry his son?"

"Viserys has always cared for the Targaryen blood to stay as pure as possible and as his son was born without the Targaryen looks he wishes for someone with the standard Targaryen looks to marry his son so he may get Targaryen looking grandchildren." Rhaenys' explanation made sense to Valyria not many highborn women had the Targaryen looks. "You don't have to decide now but think about it. One day you will have to marry and by that time you will have turned down all the good ones."

After Corlys had joined the two they talked back and forth for hours. Finally they all agreed on that Valyria would join the Kings family in their travels back to King's Landing. There she would get to know Prince Aerys and if she didn't like him she could return to Driftmark without being betrothed to him. But if they did like each other they would be betrothed, and Valyria would return to Driftmark until their wedding day.

First chapter, what do we think?🙃

Please feel free to correct any mistakes that will only help me improve my english : )

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