゚.*・。゚ It's not her? (Lyney)

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notes! [f/a]: favourite animal


prom was coming soon, everyone was excited ofcourse. you looked at lyney who was poking his lunch food. he looked lost in thoughts which is very odd. "hey lyney? you okay?" you tried talking to him but he didn't budge. "lyneyyy?" you tried to call out for him again. but no response. "LYNEYYY!" he finally noticed your calling. "huh- oh" he looked at you with a straight face. "hey.. what's wrong? you seem.. um idk, worried?" you looked at him with worried eyes. he's never been like this before. "whaaat?! no way! ofcourse i'm not, i'm the brave and charming lyney!" he added a wink at the end. you chuckled at his response but then back to seriousness. "okay okay quit the joke, what's wrong?" "nothing's wrong y/n everything is fine!" he forced a smile on his face. you know you can't really do anything else so you went with the flow.

"fine.. anyway, have you got someone in mind for prom?". he placed a finger on his chin "mm i guess so..." a grin was added to his face. you didn't know how to react, worried, glad, happy, sad, frustrated? "000 who is ittt?!" you tried to act like you were excited but at the bottom of your heart, you were worried. your heart beated fast for him to say his answer. badum badum badum..
"hmmm... i can't tell youuu! it's a suprise ofcourse, just wait-" he winked again and now starting to eat his lunch.

you knew this was going to be his answer so you rolled your eyes and acted like you didn't care. well, you didn't want to look like you're desperate for him because you think he'll probably make fun of you anyway. well, the thought hurts you. "whatever i don't care anyway" you tried acting cool and stuff. lyney hearing your response, it hurts him. he thought you'll well- idk? beg for him to reveal the answer. but he's not ready to say it anyway.

the bell rang, you both got ready to head to class again. "what do you have next?" you asked while you cleaned up your food. "bwiowogwe-" "what?" you looked at him, his mouth was full of food. he looked like a chipmunk with nuts full in its mouth. you giggled at him, he always got his ways to make you laugh.

"lyney! what do you think you're doing?" you chuckle again. he tried to chew his food down but ofcourse it was tough so he mixed it with some water (idk if u think thats gross or what but u understand right? thats lyney). after 3 minutes he finally swallowed all of the food in his mouth. "i have biology next" he answered like nothing happened. you chuckled again and smiled "great! we have the same class. now let's hurry up!" you both quickly ran into the classroom because you were already late 5 minutes.

there you finally arrived and as you open the door, all eyes were on you both. "lyney, y/n, why are you both late? and together?" miss clorinde crossed her arms as she looked at you both. you looked at eachother blushing a bit. "my foot got stuck and y/n had to help me" lyney covered it up confidently. you went with the flow because is they know the truth its well- silly. "alright, if you're both late again i'll make you stand on one leg at the front" she declared, then she made a hand sign for you to sit on your desk.

there's no desk side-by-side thats empty so you decided to sit next to lynette at the corner. lyney sat next to lumine at the middle. through the class, you kept looking at lyney and lumine as they both were passing notes. now, you're sure he's asking her out for prom.

the bell rang and you packed your bags. when you looked around, lyney was already gone. 'oh he's probably already with lumine you thought. but you noticed that he left his notebook in his desk. you searched for him and spotted him in the school garden... with lumine. he was holding a bouquet and a [f/al plushie in his other hand. you knew he knows your favourite animal, but why give it to lumine? was he playing with you this whole time? was he just using you? the passing notes made sense then.

tears were starting to form in your eyes. you couldn't hold it anymore and ran to your dorm. you didn't care whoever was seeing you, your heart was broken. you went to your dorm and huddled up on your bed, letting all the tears out. you looked to the frame on your bedroom with a picture of you and lyney at a carnival together. you threw the picture on the carpet and cried silently. after some minutes lynette, your dorm mate, came in, "y/n?" she knocked on your door. "w-what?!" you continued crying. you didn't care if lynette sees you crying, she's been your bestfriend since you were a kid.

lynette opens the door to your room carefully and saw you huddled up on the bed. "oh y/n.. what happened?" she asked you in a worried tone. "i-i saw lyney asking lumine to prom! i mean.. what was i thinking? it's obvious that lumine is better, smarter, prettier, sweeter, nicer, lovelier-" "y/n." lynette looked at you with a straight look. "lyney is waiting for you" "well- he probably wants to talk to me about lumine accepting him" you choked out a sob. "no.. no he doesn't. please just see him okay?" she wiped the remaining tears from your face. you didn't know what could possibly convince you to see him but a piece inside you told you to.

so you standed up, not caring if you look bad. and went to the door and as you open it, lyney is there holding the bouquet and the [f/al plushie that he was holding infront of lumine. you were confused. "in a garden- wait y/n what's wrong? have you been crying?" lyney got worried as he saw your puffy eyes. "what are you doing lyney? i saw you asking lumine out for prom." tears were starting to form in your eyes again, and you hate it. they were starting to drop. "w-what y/n it's not what it looks like. please dont cry" he tried to comfort you. "what do you like it's not what it looks like?! you clearly asked lumine to prom and i bet she accepted you!" you were starting to cry again. "n-no wait hear me out! it was just a practice. the person i wanted to ask out to prom i is you. i wanted to make everhting perfect so i ddi a practice with lumine". after hearing lyney, your tears stopped. "w-wait. so you weren't asking her out?"

"no, ofcourse not, she likes that childe guy anyway- now may i do my thing?" you felt relieved to hear this.
you chuckled and nodded. "being clever as ever, sitting in a field with a bee. to the sweetest girl ever, will you go to prom with me?" he smirked at the end. you giggled at this and replied "ofcourse! ofcourse ofcourse ofcourse!" you hugged him vigorously and he gave you the bouquet and plushie. "aww you knew my fav animal!" you looked at the [f/al plushie and the beautiful bouquet.
"ofcourse, i'm a loyal one" he grinned. you blushed a bit and hugged him again. "you're the best lyney" you gave him a supeise kiss on the cheek, now it was his turn to blush. lynette watching from afar, is delighted by the sight.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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