-ˏˋ Chapter Five ˊˎ

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Elaine got invited to a party, she was skeptical to go but a little night out wouldn't hurt her, right? She couldn't just stay in and be anti-social, could she? Elaine looked through all her clothes, for the party she picked out a cute mini dress and some black see-through tights, over that she wore her usual red leather jacket, and as shoes, she wore her usual Doc Martens. She went to the party with Louis and Jules. Elaine never liked parties but maybe they were different here? The group got to the party and saw a crowd. Elaine noticed Jules's hand tightening around Louis's, but she wasn't going to question it.

They walked in and Elaine got separated by a sea of people. She got a little lost but found the snack and drink bar, Elaine didn't really smoke or drink, and loud music and screaming people weren't her thing either. Suddenly, a guy came up to her and offered her a beer. Elaine didn't know what to do and accepted the drink. Elaine looked for Louis and Jules. There were so many people in the small space. Elaine finally found Jules and Louis, sitting on a leather couch.

"Finally, I couldn't find you guys!" Elaine exclaimed.

"Good thing you found us now," Louis smiled.

"Do any of you want this beer?" Elaine asked, and reached the beer out to them.

"Sure," Jules said, and took the beer can and popped it open.

The night passed by. Elaine had a few drinks, not much, and Louis seemed to be trying to keep Jules under control. The three went to dance and get some food. Elaine made eye contact with Camille for a split second. The blonde looked perfect as always, her makeup neat, her clothes perfect, and her hair just so smooth. Camille was laughing with a group of people. Elaine decided to focus on having a good time. She even met a few new people! The night was long, the music was loud, and the vibes were good. Elaine was laughing with Louis and Jules, dancing, singing, and talking. The music filled the room, it was way different than Elaine's usual choice of music. Elaine was dancing, it was late into the night. Many people were drunk, including Camille. She was by the bar. Elaine looked around and saw Camille with the black-haired girl, heavily making out in a corner. Elaine couldn't believe her eyes but didn't point it out or comment. She felt this sinking feeling, it felt weird. Elaine shrugged and got herself another shot. She wasn't used to drinking but it felt nice to get her mind a bit fuzzy. Elaine and Jules both got drunk, Louis got them water and brought them outside to sober them up. After standing outside and sobering up, Elaine noticed Camille smoking, leaning against a wall. Elaine suddenly tensed up and tried to act sober. Camille noticed the group, she was obviously drunk.

"Hey, Juliette! Long time, no talk!" Camille yelled, slurring slightly.

Elaine got caught off guard and looked around, Jules seemed startled.

"My name is Jules!" Jules yelled back, a shakiness in her voice.

Camille walked closer, too close for comfort, "Does your mom know that?" Camille smirked.

"Don't fucking talk about my mom!" Jules snapped.

"Aw, am I getting on your nerves, Juliette?"

Louis had to get the two drunk girls to stop fighting. Elaine watched the scene confused. After Camille left, Louis simply hugged Jules, stroking her head. After she calmed down, Louis took Elaine and Jules back to their dorms.

The next morning, Elaine got up with a headache, she changed and decided to walk into Jules's dorm, she let herself in and found Louis cuddling with Jules. It was an adorable sight, the two so close, so naturally. Elaine sat down on the tiny couch and waited for the two to wake up. When they finally woke up, Elaine was in her own world, thinking about home.

"How long have you been here?" Louis asked.

"A while," Elaine replied, quietly.

Jules groaned and stretched, "Someone please give me a painkiller for this headache"

Louis gave Jules a painkiller and a glass of water. The three stayed in all day, hanging out at Jules's dorm. Louis went to pick up a takeaway dinner for the three of them. While he was gone, Jules braided Elaine's hair into two beautiful braids. Elaine was feeling relaxed.

"Sorry to ask, I don't know if you remember, but what was that argument you had with Camille about?" Elaine asked, careful to not upset Jules.

"I don't get along with my mom and she weaponizes that," Jules tried to shrug it off, as if to tell Elaine to not dig deeper into it.

"That's terrible," Elaine said and Jules just nodded.
Louis got back and the three ate dinner. Elaine got back to her room and studied a bit, as well as checking through assignments. She was eating fresh strawberries, they were sweet and a slightly dark shade of red. Elaine went to bed early, after a quick shower.

The next day, Elaine walked into her math class, she was getting back the results for her math test from last week today. Elaine calmly walked into the class and took a seat. Elaine had a neutral expression, she wasn't expecting much. She got her test back and got a sinking feeling in her stomach when she saw the results. She got a terrible grade. No. This couldn't be real. Elaine couldn't focus the rest of the day. She got to her dorm and started studying. She didn't even eat anything. She studied and did homework and studied– until she fell asleep in front of her books and computer at four in the morning. She fell into a cycle of working herself to the bone, an old terrible habit. Elaine started neglecting her needs to the point of barely eating and not showering every day. She started isolating herself to study more. It continued like that, but after a few days, Louis and Jules caught on and knew they needed to intervene. They had noticed the isolation, the dark bags under Elaine's eyes, and the way she never seemed to eat. They had to do something, and so they did. Elaine was walking back to her dorm after P.E. and found Jules and Louis standing by her door. Elaine felt faint and tired, it was noticeable. She was confused, why were Louis and Jules here? Jules walked up and grabbed Elaine's arm.

"You are going to eat and go to bed, okay?" Jules said, in an almost assertive tone.

"What?" Elaine was confused.

"We can tell you're overworking, come on," Jules said, stepping closer to Elaine.

"I'm fine," Elaine protested.

Suddenly, the room started spinning and blurring, Elaine's knees felt weaker and she fell to the floor, and passed out.

Words: 1151

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