The Egg

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We had ventured the galaxy far and wide. Seen sights no other alien has seen. And saved countless lives.

But one beach day was too much to ask.

I sighed into my hand, rubbing it over my face as I watched Sylvia face down a vicious predator. She roared, squaring up the the black beast with flaming wings.

It dived down, trying to catch the Zbornak unaware. But Sylvia was already prepared, having dealt with many things flying at her head at amazing speeds. She ducked, letting the beast flap back up into the sky as she waved a fist after it.

"That all you got you overgrown iguanazoid?"

So that was what the beast was called.

The beast swooped back, firing laser from its eyes as Sylvia made a run for it. Dodging hits, and when the beast got close enough, throwing back a punch that stopped it in its tracks.

"Take that! Ha ha ha ha!" my blue friend laughed.

Her triumph didn't last long, as the beast snapped sharp teeth shut on her tail and began swinging her around. Banging her hard against the sandy beach.

Wander, who had been at my side watching in worry the entire time, finally spoke up, "Uh Syl?" Another thunk as Sylvia cam crashing down. "You think-" another one, "You should-" another thud, "Try another-"

Sylvia cut off Wander. "No! Now blast this thing (Y/n)!"

Wander looked to me in worry. Hand reaching out and holding my own while rubbing soothing circles into it.

"Sorry Syl. You know I don't do that work anymore." I shouted as the blue dinosaur was tossed skyward.

She landed hard on the ground, and I winced at the pain she must be going through. Always so tough, and always getting the short end to our adventures at times.

I'm gonna have to tally this one on the board. What does that make this one, seven hundred-

My thoughts were cut short as the beast flew at us. In seconds I had my wrist gun raised and ready if it attacked. But instead it flew over us and picked up a boulder. It twirled around, racing back to Sylvia and crushing her beneath it.

I lowered my weapon.

"Yeah, but maybe there's another way to stop-" Wander ventured, clutching my hand tighter.

"No! This is the only way!" Sylvia shouted back. We watched as he held onto the beast's tail, getting dragged around. "Now help me find something to bash this beast!"

Frowning, Wander shrugged. His smile came back full force as he thought of helping our friend. "Okay. (Y/n)..." He let go of my hand just to sweep his hands in front of us.

I laughed, planting a kiss on his face while walking forward. "Why thank you sir."

Our search began. Wander spinning around while chanting, "Something to help". I just strolled along, seeing nothing nowhere big enough to even stun the beast. That is until Wander and I stopped at the base of a mountain with a brown egg.

Wander gasped, looking up the path it had dug on its way down. I looked up too, squinting to see the peak that held a nest.

Oh no.

Wander fell to his knees, eye glistening with tears. "Ah, you poor baby! Oh, don't you worry, we'll get you back to Mama, even if she wants to kill us." He spoke like he was talking to a toddler. He also tickled the egg shell, then hugged it affectionately. "Yes she does! She wants to kill us dead!"

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