Chapter 20

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

" Thank you for the coffee Jonah, I appreciate it. You didn't have too " Jungkook said as he sipped on the chocolate caramel frappe. Jonah smiled at him as they opened the door to the building

" Don't mention it, it's at least I could do after accidentally spraying you with water," He said while laughing. Jungkook quickly looked at the time and saw that it was 9:30

" Oh my, I have to get going. Taehyung might be back from work " Jungkook said as he grabbed his phone and wallet. " Thank you for the coffee" Jungkook said as he walked out of the building

He hopped into his car and drove to the nearest SubWays so that he could pick him and Taehyung up something to eat since he wasn't going to cook when he got

Jungkook didn't even know why he was going to get Taehyung something after he pissed him off but, he wasn't going to be like that so he decided to get Taehyungs something to eat to

He got himself a meatball marinara sandwich and Taehyung a Cold Cut Combo sandwich. He sighed and started to drive to his house. He saw that Taehyung's car was already parked in the driveway. He bit his bottom lip and got out of the car, bringing the food out

He walked up to the house, got out his house key, and opened the door. He walked inside the living room. It was like you could hear a pin drop due to how silent it was

He walked into the living and turned on the lamp that was on the counter. He almost had a heart attack when he saw Taehyung sitting on the couch, basically in the dark

" What are you doing in the dark?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, the older male at him with a straight face. His face didn't have any emotion to it. Jungkook stood there, looking at his boyfriend as he waited on him to speak

" Where were you?"

" I told you where I was, I was at work," Jungkook said as he looked at him. Taehyung took in a deep breath and let out a sigh

" I told you not to get one, and you still fucking job one...fuck you don't listen, " Taehyung said as he chuckled. Jungkook bit his bottom lip, trying not to snap at Taehyung

" Where the hell do you get off thinking you can talk to me like that? I'm not a dog so I'd appreciate it if you would stop talking to me like I am one " Jungkook said while rolling his eyes

" Why didn't you come home early and cook? "

" I was at work...I got Subways for the both of us since I knew I wasn't going to cook when I got home so I just decided to get us something to eat " Jungkook said as motions to the Subway in his hands

" But I don't want subways, I want your cooking, I thought we agreed on that " Taehyung said as he tilted his head to the side

" Is that all you expected from me before I got the job? To come home and cook? To clean for you? I have a life outside of you. I have a life outside of us Taehyung. What the fuck do you not understand about that?" Jungkook said as he placed the food down on the table

" Hm, I can't seem to notice since I'm the one paying all of the bills in this house. I work my ass off to make sure you are treated like a fucking Princess and this is how you treat me? " Taehyung said as he got up from the couch

This was one of the heated arguments Taehyung and Jungkook would get into. It was rare for it to happen...or to say the least, it has happened right now

" You told me I didn't need a job and that you didn't mind paying for everything. I've told you multiple times that I wanted a job but you said no each time. I don't want to be stuck in this house every day doing the same shit " Jungkook said as Taehyung walked closer to him

Not going to lie, Taehyung did look a little intimidating but, Jungkook was going to stand up for himself. He wasn't going to let his boyfriend speak to him like this

" Our 4th anniversary is in the next few days and you act like you have no common sense," Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes and tried to walk away but, Taehyung grabbed his hand, stopping him

" What else do you want??? You've gotten all of your anger out, what else do you want from me?" Jungkook asked with an annoyed look on his face

Taehyung acted like a complete jerk to him yesterday and now, is acting like a child

" Don't walk away from me "

" I do whatever the hell I want when I want. If you have a problem with it, then do something about it. I love you more than I love myself but I won't tolerate you disrespecting me " Jungkook said as he grabbed his food and walked to the guest bedroom

Taehyung heard the door slam shut and he balled up his fist before kicking their pots of plants off the coffee table, making them shatter into bits and pieces

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