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On our way back, she fell asleep in my arms.

As we reached her home, I gently knocked on the door. A girl opened it, her expression filled with concern upon seeing Khushi sleeping soundly in my arms. I reassured her, explaining that I was an old friend of Khushi's and that she had simply grown tired, prompting me to bring her home.

She hesitated initially but then she let me in. With gentle care, I carried Khushi to her bedroom, carefully laying her down on her bed and tucked her in. It was already 9 pm. Her friend insisted me to stay the night so I went to Khushi's room and sat next to her. As I sat beside her, I noticed Khushi's discomfort. She kept shifting from side to side, making small noises of annoyance. It was evident that her body was in pain, likely from her menstrual cycle.

I quietly slipped out of the room and I embarked on a mission to find a heating pad. I knew Khushi had never been one to use them; Suhani had mentioned it to me before but fortunately, one of her roommates had it. I carefully placed the heating pad on her back, hoping it would provide some relief.

After some time, I noticed that Khushi had stopped moving altogether.

Concerned, I leaned in closer, checking for any signs of discomfort. It was then that I realized she had finally drifted to sleep. Gently, I slid beside her, wrapping her in my arms.

As I held Khushi close, she instinctively moved nearer, seeking comfort against my warm body. Adjusting my position, I ensured she felt secure in my embrace. With her warmth against me, I felt peace and in no time, I fell asleep.



I woke up the next morning. I realized there was something on my head, a sticky note.

It said, "Please see my voice message".

I turned to find my phone on the side table, there was a piece of paper in an envelope along with it. I unlocked my phone and played his voice message,

" Good morning little one, I am sorry something urgent came up and I needed network so I had to come back to my hotel for wifi. Please don't go anywhere until I come back also umm... there are so many things that I forgot to tell you yesterday so I wrote them in a letter. Please read it. Bye"

I opened the letter

I know you might be thinking how can someone fall for you in 6 months but trust me I don't know. I just love you without knowing how, or when or from where. I just simply love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving. I can not guarantee you forever because it is not in my control but I promise that as long as there is a forever, you and I will be together.

You may want to run away far away from me again after knowing these things but please don't. Please let go of your fear for once, give me a chance. Please stay this time.

You believe that the fear of losing someone you love will only haunt you if will decide to stay but you're wrong. The truth is, the fear of losing someone we love can haunt us for as long as we breathe, regardless of whether we stay or not.

So I beg you to let go of your fear for once and give me a chance love. Let me show you that loving is worth it and that leaving only denies us the opportunity for something beautiful and meaningful.

I eagerly await your decision. If you choose to stay this time, inside the small envelope you'll find a promise ring. Its presence on your little delicate finger will be my answer.

~ Love, Ruhan

As I finished reading, tears welled up in my eyes. How did he understand me so deeply without even talking to me?

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