Six - Mothers And Heartbreak

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It's been a couple of weeks and all I've done is cry at every stupid thing, Emily hasn't really left my side, she's kept her distance a little bit trying to give me space but she's still been there by my side. I was kind of grateful for it honestly I couldn't remember the last time I had a friend as good as her she's really helped lift me out of my depressive moments recently and I needed that.
I was feeling a little excited for the first time in a while today as I got to let Emily know that my boss said yes to them performing for our Halloween event. 

I messaged Emily and let her know I was on my way to her place before I left, I was now just getting in the lift in their building and soon found my way to her door. I lifted my hand and knocked kind of hard, Liam was the one who opened the door and looked surprised to see me but gave me a warm smile as always.
"Hey, you must be here for my sister." Liam says and moves out of the door way to let me pass.
I step inside and feel a weird tension in the air then I see Emily sat at the kitchen counter with a slightly older woman who looked like an older Emily. I guessed it was their mum and suddenly I felt nervous like I was interrupting something, I looked back over at Emily who looked like I'd just saved her from a terrible fate.
"Erm hi, sorry if I've come over at a bad time I just had something I thought I should share with you guys." I said and looked between Emily and her brother, the woman who looked like their mother opened her mouth about to say something but Emily beat her to it before the older woman barely got a sound out. I found it a little funny to be honest.
"No you're fine our mum likes to pull these surprise visits without letting anyone know, regardless of if they had other plans or not. What is it you wanted to tell us?" Emily said rather abruptly, I'd never seen Emily like this before so it shocked me a little bit but I just moved closer to Emily. She's been here for me through so much of my shit recently I would be here for hers.
"I just wanted to let you know that I asked my boss if you guys could play at our place for our Halloween event." I said and paused for a dramatic effect.
"Oh, and?" Emily asked her voice squeaked slightly from excitement and I couldn't help the wide grin that was then on my face.
"He said you've got the slot." I told her and suddenly Emily wasn't awkward and stiff and jumped off her seat throwing her arms around me.
"Oh my god that's amazing!" Emily exclaimed and I giggled, Liam chimed in with a rather loud "Wooo!" and their mother had a face like I'd just ruined her party and I'm not sure why but a part of me was happy about it.

Emily let go of me and ran round to Liam and they also exchanged an excited hug.
"Oh! I should message Tyler and let him know the good news." Liam said and dug his phone out of his pocket and immediately started typing.
"So is this for your band or whatever?" Their mother asked and it was the first time I'd heard her voice. Emily's face dropped slightly and she made her way back round to my side.
"Erm yea, we decided to get our old band together as a way to hopefully earn some money or something." Emily explained in a tone that was meant to be bitter like before but the excitement in her was still lingering. I don't know why I did this, I checked to make sure it was hidden under the counter first but I hooked my pinkie around hers in an attempt to hold her hand. At first she flinched but when she realised what I was doing then took my whole hand in hers letting her know that I was here for her.
I might have been imagining things but Emily seemed to instantly calm.
"Oh, and are you in their band?" Emily's mum asked me and I looked back at her.
"Oh no, I'm just a helpful barmaid. I'm actually in the same class as Emily at Uni." I explained trying to be polite and pleasant I wasn't sure how well I was pulling it off though. I had a feeling Emily's mum wasn't going to let me know ether way.
"Oh and is that how long you two have been together?" Her mother asked kind of rudely and I noticed Emily roll her eyes before rubbing her forehead with her other hand. 
"Excuse me?" I asked as if giving her a chance to change what she said.
"Well I was just asking?" Emily's mum continues and I wasn't about to put up with the audacity of this woman, I mentally apologised to Emily before I responded.
"You know what we are actually, I must say you have amazing gaydar I wasn't expecting it. I'm a little impressed." I say sarcastically, it caused Liam to look up from his phone with a slight smirk on his face and Emily was squeezing my hand as if trying to hold in laughter.
Their mum reacted in a way as if I said I'd just shot her dog.

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