Seven - Halloween

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I wasn't able to see Haylee that much apart from class because we wanted to rehears as much as we humanly could so if I wasn't in class I was with the band in the storage garage that Tyler was renting for our rehearsal space. It was now the 28th which was a Tuesday which meant I had class today, I wasn't going to have rehearsals anymore though since my brother suggested we take a break a couple days before the show. That way our voices aren't absolutely recked before we've even started.

I pulled up in my usual parking spot at Uni, took the keys out of the ignition before grabbing my bag and stepping out the car. I pressed the lock button on the keys as I reached the pavement then chucked them in my bag which was now over my shoulder.
"Hey." A voice suddenly chirped in front of me and I jumped slightly but laughed a little bit when I saw that it was Haylee.
"Oh hey, you scared me a little." I finally respond and Haylee giggles and I try to ignore the butterflies in my chest.
"Sorry, I saw you pull in from my window so thought I'd come and say hi since I haven't seen you much recently." Haylee then says with a giggle but it doesn't numb the sting.
"Yea I'm sorry about that we've just been really focused for the gig in a couple of days." I explain and Haylee giggles again and I allow myself to feel the butterflies that time.
"Hey it's okay I get it. I'm excited to see you guys perform though." Haylee then says reassuring me and it makes me smile.
"Are you working that night?" I ask then realise that was probably a stupid question.
"Yea, looks like it's gonna be quite busy that night so they'll need all the help they can get." Haylee explains just as we reach our classroom, we weren't really being taught anything today so we just made our way to our projects we've been working on and continue talking.
"Well it'll still be nice to see a familiar face somewhere in the crowd." I say in a kind of flirty way and panicked for a second but calmed when Haylee giggled.

We were working on some spooky art projects since our first mini assignment was around the same time

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We were working on some spooky art projects since our first mini assignment was around the same time. I was just doing some finishing touches to mine, I glanced over trying to peek at what Haylee was doing. Haylee did a take on the poisoned apple from Snow White but made it a small pumpkin instead, it looked kind of cute and creepy at the same time.
About an hour passes and it's time to pack up so I start gathering my things together.
"Hey do you have band practise again today?" Haylee pipes up beside me.
"No we're done with rehearsals for now since the gig is on Thursday." I explain and the prettiest smile immediately shapes Haylee's face and it takes everything to not immediately kiss her.
"Oh okay, does that mean maybe we could hang out?" Haylee then asks all hopeful and excited I thought it was kind of endearing.
"Yes, we can hang out." I confirmed and couldn't help giggle at how quickly she suddenly started packing her things away, I didn't expect that she'd miss me this much.

We got in my car and I put my keys in the slot but before I turned it I turned to Haylee.
"So what are we doing?" I ask and Haylee giggles from nerves of being put on the spot.
"Well do you have an outfit for your performance yet? It's Halloween you should at least have a cool costume." Haylee suggests and now I was the one giggling and nervous.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea." I say trying to protest and Haylee rolls her eyes at me. I think it was the first time I'd ever seen that reaction from her and it made me laugh.
"How do you know if you don't try? Besides I'll be the one picking it out for you, don't you trust me?" Haylee asks in a slightly sarcastic tone that I can't help laugh.
"I trust you." I trust you more than you know.
"Well then turn those keys because we're going shopping!" Haylee commands and I immediately obey.

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