Mera 🫶🫶/Bullying Saiki

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Saiki follows behind me as I step inside, moving past me to beeline to what I'm guessing is his usual spot. A couple booths out from the door, right by the window. Rolling my eyes, I sit opposite him and rest my arms on the table, looking around.

"Well," I start, filling the silence that always seems to spill between us. "At least the inside is cute."
Saiki nods at me, speaking into my mind and making me scrunch my nose — a reaction both noticed and ignored by him. Charming. 'It's quiet, too. That's half the reason why I like it.'
'I'm guessing the other reason is this coffee jelly thing?'
'Don't call it a "thing". It's a delicacy.'
"You're so weird."
He huffs, and a familiar face approaches us, smiling widely.

"Saiki-kun! Oppu-chan! Hi, guys!"
"Oh, Mera-chan! I didn't know you worked here." A smile appears on my face, and I sit up a little straighter. Honestly, I don't know Mera that well, but I've chatted to her a little and I find her really endearing. Even if she steals half of my lunch when I offer, I don't even mind at this point. She's cheerful and optimistic despite her circumstances. Of course, I've never mentioned knowing about it, because I kind of... snooped in her mind and found out accidentally...

And now I feel really bad about finding out.
In my defence, I've started bringing extra lunch to help her out and snacks I "Don't want". So it's not that bad. Right?

Mera and I chat a little about school and how long she's been working here — usual small talk — when I am rudely interrupted.

'Good grief, do you always talk this much?' I glance over at Saiki and roll my eyes. Of course, his arms are folded and he's scowling. How patient. How absolutely delightful.

I scowl back at him and reply '"Good grief", "good grief", "good grief". Shut up.' Before turning back to Mera and smiling sweetly.
"Sorry, girl, you know I love chatting to you but this one gets cranky when he doesn't have his sweets."
I jab a thumb towards him, smirking at his deepening scowl, and Mera panics slightly.
"I'm so sorry Oppu-chan! I completely forgot, sorry, I'll do my job now." She rubs the back of her neck, smiling her adorable little smile, and pulls out her notebook and pencil.

Waving a dismissive hand, I return her smile and reassure her. Because she doesn't deserve impatience. Get out of my head.

'How did you know?'
'I just do.'

"It's no worry, and just call me Oppu. We'll get two coffee jellies-"
'One caramel crème.' He interrupts, but I'll let it slide.
"-one caramel crème and one mocha, please, Mera-chan." I continue smoothly.

She nods, writing it down before I have an idea.
"Oh! What do you... recommend from the desserts menu?" I ask, looking back up at her.
"The-the dess—? Oh! Um, I'd just say the chocolate mousse..." Just at the thought of it, her eyes seem to glaze over and she almost starts drooling before snapping back to us. Cute.
"Do you want one of those?" She asks.
"Mhm, yes please." I smile, and Saiki raises an eyebrow at me. Mera walks off, and I turn to him.

"Out loud." I interrupt. He rolls his eyes before speaking.
"Why did you do that? She's not going to sit with us, is she?"
"Um, wow, rude, first of all. Second of all, I did it because Mera is my friend, and I'll pay for all of us. So don't get your knickers in a twist." Yeah, maybe not the sweetest tone... but that previous happy voice is reserved for Mera. This asshat doesn't deserve it yet.

I'm responded to with yet another scowl. What did I expect? He continues (unfortunately).
"We have important things to discuss that Mera can't hear about." Still scowling. What a charmer, guys.

I roll my eyes and lean back against the booth pillow.
"She's not going to. I'm just being nice."
He raises an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Are you a goddamn robot? Have some empathy. I also just like giving. It's one of my love languages."
The eyebrow remains raised. "'One of'?"
I sigh deeply. This guy is an idiot. Why am I friends with him? "Believe it or not, Mr. Antisocial, I show my platonic love in many different ways. Obviously you only do in one way though; tsundere."
He gapes and frowns. "I am not a tsundere."
"Really? Then you're just a jerk." I flash a grin that is not returned.

Oh. I've made him sulk. Oh well!!

'How have you become so unpleasant to be around so quickly?'
'Because you were rude about my friend.'
'You've known her for three days.'
'And I'm already very attached. So if you want me to start being nicer to you on this little outing, then maybe have some empathy.'
He pauses, and rolls his own eyes before replying — finally figuring it out. 'You want me to apologise, don't you?'

"Well it would be nice."

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