2. Not so sober

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Y / M / W

After Mingi got into the bar, he quickly noticed Yunho. Sure, he wasn't wearing the most popping out outfit but even if it was plain he stood out. He was wearing a red sweatshirt, white glasses, and black ripped jeans. After looking at Yunho he noticed another guy talking to him, he also had really black smooth hair, and a usual bar working outfit.

Yunho noticed Mingi out of the corner of his eye and motioned Mingi to come over. The other guy looked at Mingi with the most neutral face ever.

"Hey!," Yunho said, smiling. "Come sit." He motioned a tapping with his hands on the seat next to him. Mingi quickly followed and went into the seat. "Oh, i forgot to introduce you both. Mingi, this is Wooyoung. Wooyoung, this is Mingi.

Mingi bowed but Wooyoung barely gave effort into his greeting. Yunho noticed what Wooyoung was doing so he grabbed his hand. "Mingi, we'll be right back." He said, quickly turning his head to Wooyoung, "I need to talk to you in private."

Wooyoung followed and gave one last side eye to Mingi. They both went into the bathroom and Yunho sighed.

"Wooyoung, i know that you-" he was quickly interrupted by Wooyoung who was almost yelling. "You can't be friends with him! I don't trust it. What if it happened again?" Yunho stood in silence. He couldn't help but frown a little. "I guess you're right. But really, he seems different! He doesn't seem like them! Please just..give him a chance." Wooyoung sighed and nodded.

They went back into the bar and Wooyoung started making drinks, whilst Mingi and Yunho were talking. Wooyoung kept staring at them while sighing.

Hours passed, and they were both drunk out of their minds. Wooyoung was trying to get them to stop drinking, but they kept drinking glasses after glasses. Wooyoung scratched his head, not knowing what to do next. "Ugh. Of course they get drunk out of their minds and can't drive themselves home." He would think for a second. Should I call a taxi? Should I take them home? He thought. He just decided to take them home anyways. He looked behind him and saw them both tripping over each other and laughing, both tomato red.

Wooyoung stopped and just gave them a blank stare. He mumbled to himself saying some things with a follow up of cuss words. He decided to just go and hold them with his hands as the drive wasn't that far. He put them in his car, and started driving. "What's your address?" Wooyoung asked, looking back at them. He didn't get much of a response but it was enough to figure out where they lived. He got to the dorms and guided them to their door. "Here, put in your code." Wooyoung said, waiting impatiently for one of them to do it. Yunho very slowly put in the code and almost dozed off mid standing up. Wooyoung grabbed them both and put them on the beds. "Wait here, I'm going to get some hangover medicine."

Wooyoung went over to the local convenience store, grabbing all he needed. Wooyoung may not look it, but he is a very caring man if you get to know him.

After awhile, they woke up, confused on what happen. Yunho had a throbbing headache, and so did Mingi. Yunho looked over on his desk and noticed the hangover medicine Wooyoung had left for him. tried to remember all that happened the night before, wondering if he did anything stupid, but he couldn't remember much. He decided to call Wooyoung early morning to ask what happened. "Wooyoung?" Yunho said. "Eh? It's so early..why're you calling..?" Wooyoung said, yawning. Yunho tapped on his leg anxiously. "Did me and Mingi do anything crazy last night? Anything not ordinary?"

Wooyoung thought on what to say for a second. He just thought they were being a little out of it was all. "No, you just were the usual drunk out of your mind selves, i had to carry you home. BOTH of you. It was tiring." Yunho laughed a little, imagining what that would look like. "Ah, i see. Well, I'll call you back. Can we meet later today?" Wooyoung wrote that down as he would most likely forget. "Alright, I'll see you later, gonna wash up now. Bye." Before Yunho could say bye, Wooyoung hung up, like the usual Wooyoung he is.

After a while, Mingi woke up. He was just as confused and in pain of his head as Yunho was earlier on. Mingi decided to just go back to bed.

Yunho got up and decided to take a shower too. He then proceeded to take his pills before he went to class. He dropped his head down and sighed before getting ready to go.


Chapter 2 finally dooone!! I hope you all enjoyed this one. I wonder why Yunho would take pills? You'll just have to find out later :)

Before you go here's a cute yungi photo!

Before you go here's a cute yungi photo!

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Alright alright, byeee

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