God He's Hot!

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"Red highlights, Kellin? Lord, you are so lame."
"Don't be pissed at me because your parents are too strict to let you do anything but grow your hair all the way down to your cankles."
"Cankles?! There is no way you freak!" Hayley yells laughing at me.
"Whatever, my hair is cool as hell."
"Are we talking about Kellin's mid-life crisis divorcee hair?" Justin asks coming up to us.
"Oh my god, it's not that bad!" I say looking in the mirror in my locker and panicking a little now.
"It's pretty bad," Hayley says slyly.
"Don't worry buddy, I can cut it out for you! It'll be good as new!" Justin takes out a pair of scissors.
He comes right at me and tries to cut a chunk of the red out of my hair.
"Get the fuck away from me!"
"Woah." a voice says.
My friend, more like my guardian angel, Amy comes up behind us and takes the scissors from Justin.
"Let's not bully Kellin," she says.
"Boo!" Hayley and Justin say together.
"Yeah! Don't bully Kellin!" I say.
"Yet," Amy adds.
They all laugh at me and I stick my head in my locker and groan.
"Do you guys have literally anything better to do than be mean to me? We just got back from break, can't we just be buds?"
They all calmly agree among themselves that they really don't have anything better to do.
"I cannot stand you people."
"I made donuts," Amy announces.
"Yes! Goth mommy!" Justin says, shoving his hand in Amy's oversized bag and pulling out her iconic tin that has whatever homemade dessert she's made for the day.
"If you keep calling me that, I'll make sure the next batch has ricin." She smiles, pulling the tin out of his hands.
"Haha! Loser!" I laugh at him.
"Apologies my normie princess, it will not happen again." He bows to her.
She laughs and hands him back the tin. Once he shoves one donut in his mouth, one in his pocket, and one in his big sweaty man paw he passes it to me.
"Thanks Amy," I say.
"Fanks Amy!" Justin says with his mouth full and spitting out powdered sugar onto all of us.
"Please, just thank me by closing your mouth."
Hayley takes initiative and holds his lips shut.
"What do yall have first?" She asks.
"I just have a free period."
"Ew, then why are you here?" Hayley asks.
"To see you people," I glare at her.
"Same here," Amy says, "I'm only taking clothing design and studio art this year."
"Lame! I have to take remedial math with stupid Justin."
"What did I do?" He asks, offended.
"You're the dumbass that made those fake ass cheat sheets with the wrong answers for the final!"
"And whose fault is it that you used it?"
"Whatever. I wouldn't have to do numbers at 8am if it weren't for you."
"Even if you failed the final, it shouldn't have made you flunk the whole class," Amy says inquisitively.
"Yeah, why was your grade so low it made the final take you down to an F?"
"Whatever, I don't want to talk about it, the memories hurt!"
We all laugh together at my locker and talk a bit more until music starts playing in the hallway so we know it's time to get to class.
"Buy guys!" Hayley waves to Amy and I.
As she and Justin walk away he yells, "Math bitch!" and bumps his hip into hers sending her flying into a locker.
"Goddammit you faggot!"
She yells.
Amy laughs. I love seeing her laugh. She has the whole long black dress, pale foundation and heavy eyeliner goth look going on so when she smiles with her annoyingly perfect white teeth it stands out so much and just makes her look so beautiful.
We dated for a second freshman year before we decided we were just too different. Which is weird, you know? She is one of my best friends in the entire world. I've known her since the fifth grade when I moved here. Every second I'm not with her I wish she was with me, and she feels the same. We are totally attached at the hip. But something about our dynamic just doesn't translate into dating weirdly enough. I think about that often. What makes friends and what makes lovers. Because shouldn't you be friends with your partner? If you are then the only difference is sex. But, not to over share or anything, I've had sex with plenty of my friends and I wouldn't date any of them. So what is it really that defines a relationship? Hurts my head if I think about it for too long.

"I'm gonna go talk to Mrs. Florence, you coming with Kells?" Amy asks.
We head upstairs to the art hallway which looks weird as hell. By the end of the school year every single wall is packed full of different pieces and there's sculptures and vases and always weird abstract shit littered through the common spaces. Now there is nothing, not to mention nobody in the halls since class has started. There's a few murals painted onto the walls every here and there, but it's still weird to see the bare walls.
We get to Mrs. Florence's room and Amy gently peeks her head in. She waves to Mrs. Florence who comes over to us and shuts the door behind her.
"Hi Amy!" She says hugging her.
"Hi Mrs. Florence, how was your summer?"
"Oh honey please," Mrs. Florence waves her hand, "you're a senior now! You can just call me Camilla. You too Kellin. But what brings you two by?"
"We both have first as a free period and wanted to know if we can hang out?"
"I have a Studio Art 1 class right now, but you're both welcome to sit in the back and hangout. I trust you won't make too much trouble."
"Thank Mrs. FlorenCamilla!" I correct.
"Of course, come in," she smiles.
Amy and I enter the cozy classroom and get comfortable in the back. Amy pulls her sketchbook out of her bag and begins drawing. I try to work on one of my songs for all of five minutes before I hit a creative wall and start doodling on Amy's sketchbook with her instaed. I do emphasize the doodling part because oh my lord i cannot draw, especially when compared to Amy. She whips out full gallery worthy works just messing around in class. Me on the other hand? I've always been more of a visual journal guy, so my drawings take up more artistic liberties I'll say.

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