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TITLE: The Journalist

Personality: arrogant, adventurous, sincere, argumentative, cynical, moody, pessimistic, introverted, probably really cold to strangers but will do anything for loved ones,  trust issues, night owl, probably stays up late on purpose, DEFINITELY suppresses emotions to an unhealthy amount, gets really cocky if you insult them, CHAOTIC NEUTRAL, They don't really have morals, they wouldn't save a stranger without a reason,  They personally believe that revenge is completely alright if the person has harmed them in the past, they believe there's no such thing as actual good people because even the kindest of people are flawed one way or another, NOT religious, 

Relatives: Little to no friends, They have a dead partner

Backstory: They were raised in a little town, their mother died a few months after they were born which made their dad hate them so he neglected them a lot, well he would always be busy at work, There were certain times their dad would beat them but they got used to the pain, it strangely felt comforting in a way, their dad didn't really feed Arrogant that much, Arrogant never really learn to cook, Arrogant spent most of their time in their room talking to their plushies and stuff, they were convinced there was nobody that would ever love them, they convinced themselves that the reason their dad didn't love them was that they were special and better than everyone else, it was a way of coping for them, Arrogant learned to suppress their feelings, they never really spoke to their dad or anyone a lot, Their dad would beat them. Taking interest in the pain, used to it. And it felt a bit more comforting. Through growing, they learned. Knowing what their dad did was horrid. However, they didn't seem to care, focusing on work, and now studying to become an operative at the day's union facility. They took quite an interest in journaling. Over time, they've been so caught up in journalism, they didn't realize 'Oh shit I wanted to be an operative '. Now signing up, they've been working side by side with a few operatives, yet still focused on writing. One day, they met their partner. They were close, their partner being a civilian and them a day operative. it was a sweet healthy relationship. But know how the day leader couldn't and wouldn't allow romantic gestures to be made upon hid operatives. Taking the civilian, killing him/her, or whatever. Burning the civilian alive in front of the day operative to watch, being hurt deeply, completely by heart. Their interest in journalism faded a bit. Now writing down vent letters and notes. Isolating themselves from the world completely. Feeling depressed. Soon, they would become more arrogant around other operatives, yelling at them, stressing out, and being very ' hard- to handle. '. An average depressed- arrogant person's actions. Things got so bad that Arrogant's name was changed from ' Pleased_Day ' to ' arrogant_day'. Also, to the point where they would starve themselves, and stay away from the world completely until they discovered music, it was a coping mechanism for them in a way, they felt more focused on the sounds than the world around them, music was a comfort to them, they loved it, 

Extra: They love dressing fancy even if there's no special occasion, They barely spoke to anyone which made them pretty introverted to the point they became very introverted and sneaky which was an advantage,

Hobbies: Writing + Reading + Drawing

Likes: Being alone + Music 

Dislikes:  Loud noises + Crowds + Their dad + The deep ocean + Fake positivity + Losing people

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