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charlotte darling, erin macintosh, and soliana abbott each had vastly different things in mind when submitting their applications for the exchange student program at hartley high:

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charlotte darling, erin macintosh, and soliana abbott each had vastly different things in mind when submitting their applications for the exchange student program at hartley high:

charlotte was concerned with whether her essay about the aftermath of her father's death would hold up when compared to the other applicants, soliana was concerned with how she'd cope with finally being away from home despite how enthusiastic she'd always been about leaving it. and erin... well, erin wasn't concerned at all. given the massive sum of money that her parents had given to the school to fund its required physical education course, (which they insisted had nothing to do with getting erin into the program and everything to do with "educating young minds about the importance of physical fitness.) her attendance at hartley was guaranteed.

but now, as the three american girls stepped into the gates and onto campus, they all thought the very same thing,

"i'm so fuckin' nervous, i'm gonna kill myself. like honest to god." soliana whispered in terror, walking with an odd sort of stiffness in her legs out of anxiety. "maybe they're looking at us like that because you're walking so weird, sol." charlotte replied, soliana looked down at her legs realizing how weirdly she was walking, "right. sorry."

"do you think they can sense the american-ness radiating off of us?" erin questioned with a frown to which charlotte rolled her eyes, "well you've got one of those 'i heart australia' pins on your tote so you should be fine." charlotte reassured satirically. for a moment, she thought erin was finally beginning to grasp her sense of sarcasm until erin's brown eyes lit up with a small sigh of relief. "really? shit, for a second there i thought i'd be friendless. thanks for talking some sense into me." and with that she was off towards a group of friends who already seemed delighted with her presence.

"there she goes..." soliana hummed, "she really sucks." charlotte huffed from underneath her breath, off to find her locker with her arm hung up on soliana's shoulder. "don't be mean, she's trying at least, y'know. that's more than we can say." she shrugged. "yeah that's 'cause we only just got here a few minutes ago. we haven't even made it to our first class and she's already socializing." charlotte giggled as they approached her locker, which was lined on the inside with stickers that the previous owner attempted to peel off among random slurs and insults that had been written onto the steel in permanent marker as she opened it.

"speaking of our first class, what's yours? i've got pre-calc." soliana said as she crossed her fingers internally in hopes that they'd have at least a single class together as charlotte pulled out her phone to check. "awww, i've got some shit called british lit," charlotte said, reading the name of the class very slowly to make sure she wasn't just making things up. "whatever the hell that means—" she continued only to be cut off by the ringing of the bell. "damn it." soliana cursed, afraid at the thought of having to walk into class alone. but just as the two began to part ways, a scream erupted in the middle of the courtyard.

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