Imagine 3: When She Loved Me🌺 (Alastor)

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pairing: Short term memory loss! Y/N x Alastor.

*summary: Y/N and Alastor--both occupants of Hell--were once happily married, though a few months into their marriage, a little accident happened to Y/N where she hit her head, and any memory of her wedding with Alastor--and Alastor included--were forgotten. With Y/N having no one else, Alastor takes care of her, and one day...Y/N finds an old wedding photo of him and her before her accident.*

A year ago...merely three months into the best days of his entire existence, an accident happened. His beloved, the one who he loved with all his heart, inside and out, had fallen suddenly on one of their daily walks, hitting her head against the pavement.

Only for her to wake over the next passing days...staring at Alastor like he was a complete stranger, and not her newlywed husband/her lover. Like he...meant nothing to her, that his mere presence was unsettling, when just days ago all she wanted was to be with him, to love him, to be the one HE loved.

She lost that part of herself due to the fall...a sudden twist of her ankle on a stone step, causing her to tumble down a flight of stairs before landing harshly against the pavement, the back of her head bleeding profusely on the ground.

For weeks, Alastor blamed himself for your memory loss. If he hadn't convinced you to go on a walk with him, you would sit beside him in your shared home, clasp your hand with his, and smile lovingly at him while whispering that you love him instead...of sitting away from him, staring at him like he is an unwanted person in your life.

...A picture-perfect moment in time, when you and he met all those years ago, how slowly overtime, Alastor began to let you in, let your ball of light shine in his darkness. How he found himself wanting to be around you each and every moment of the day...

How he found himself finally getting on one knee, and asking for your hand in marriage, and you--crying in joy--saying Yes repeatedly, before he scooped you off your feet and spun you around in the upmost of joy and happiness, a feeling he thought had died long ago...even before his mortal body expired.

It was marrying you that brought that part of him to life once more, when he believed it would forever be lost.

How could something so beautiful--so perfect--be ripped away from him, due to one little twist of your ankle? Causing that part of your brain to forget each and every moment attached to him forever.

Sad as it is, in some shape and form, Alastor believed that he deserved it. Despite how much he wished it wasn't real, he believed that for all his crimes he had committed in his human life, for all the carnage he caused in Hell...your little trip and knock to the head was another piece of his eternal karma. A reminder...that Alastor doesn't deserve anything good in his afterlife.

With this little belief in his head, he took it upon himself to be your caregiver, even if every single morning you wake up only to see in horror that he is down in your living room--due to you forgetting who he is every time you fall asleep. Despite being reminded constantly of the life fate had planned for the two you of...he still loved you with all his heart, unable to change it from how deep you touched him. It was a curse as much as it was a blessing.

You entering his afterlife changed him from the inside out completely. And now, finding himself on this path of hardship and pain, he can't abandon you, God how could he? You had saved him in ways you never could understand. You pulled him out of the darkness he thought he would drown in for all eternity. Anything good or bright in his life...was because of you. And deep down...he hoped that by being here for you, he would be some brightness in your now dark and lonely world.

If he was the one in your shoes, he knows without a doubt that you would do the same for him. Even if he feels he'd never deserve your kindness and empathy.

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