Death's Anomaly

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     Don't underestimate the fragility of life. Death doesn't discriminate, and fate is all up to chance.

     Kenny laid on his creaking mattress, tossing a pocket knife up in the air and catching it in one fluid motion with the same hand. The blade glinted in the dim light through his open window as it spun. It was an old folding buck knife he'd gotten from his dad when he was around 3. The handle was a scratched up brown resin that used to resemble wood, with metal edges that were starting to rust.

     The last few days had been running fairly smoothly. Butters wasn't mad at him anymore, Cartman had been laying off on the scheming (or at least leaving him out of the loop,) and things had been relatively quiet. There were, however, two pressing concerns. One, Stan and Kyle hadn't been on speaking terms; which made being around them borderline painful. More worrying though: he hadn't died once over the past week.

     Usually, when this happened, it meant something was brewing, and not something good. He would be tricked into a false confidence with a nice calm week, free of impromptu visits to heaven or hell. Then, BAM! Cartman would go and turn half the town into zombies that specifically crave human liver.

     He wasn't looking forward to seeing what life had in store for him this time, and he sure wasn't in the mood for a creative death. Less havoc, means more bearable deaths. And he would much rather die being shot, or falling off a cliff, than being torn apart by a dinosaur or having his skull bashed in by a mob of radical feminists.

     The buck knife made a satisfying thud as its handle connected with his palm, and he threw it again, and again, and again; the trained repetition keeping him sane. Then, his hand slipped. The knife twirled in the air, heading now in a downward arch for his neck, and he smiled.

     Death doesn't discriminate, except in the case of one: Kenny McCormick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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