2 - Awsten Knight

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this one was requested by my friend on disc :3

After their final show of the year, Awsten, Geoff and Otto decided to go out and get a little celebration meal. They couldn't decide on what they wanted. Both Otto and Geoff wanted tacos, but Awsten, being the diva he is, demanded they try a new seafood joint that opened up recently. They weren't too keen on trying it, after seeing some of the reviews about it… Awsten went by himself to pick up something he ordered from there, while Geoff and Otto got what they originally wanted. He couldn't really find the place, until realizing how small it actually was. It looked very much family owned.. “Nothing wrong with that”, he thought to himself. There wasn't really any reason for him to be suspicious of it, right? He picked up his food and sat outside with the other bandmates. The other guys noticed how smelly what Awsten bought was. It was some sort of oyster soup… “Awsten, are you sure that's.. safe to eat?” Geoff raised an eyebrow. “Of course it is, dude. All seafood just fuckin' stinks!” Awsten brushed off Geoff's worries, shoveling a whole spoonful of it in his mouth. After they all finished, they quickly made their way back onto their tour bus. They got into their respective little rooms, needing sleep desperately before they drove back home. Awsten woke up in a sweat at 3 in the morning, groaning as he gripped his gurgling stomach. “Urrrgh…” He sat up in his bed and looked over, seeing if the others were awake. He turned his back to the entrance, sticking his rump out and releasing a loud, bubbly fart into the air.


Awsten covered his mouth and gasped, taken aback by the sound he just produced. He looked back and heard the rustling sounds of the other boys trying to get away from the scent, still sleeping. He lifted his leg up and pushed a small, airy fart. Despite being so small, it really packed quite a punch. It smelt absolutely terrible. Geoff groaned and sat up, looking up into Awsten's room. “Dude… Take that to the bathroom…” He grumbled, still sleepy. Awsten chuckled and ripped another fart.


Geoff gagged, using the collar of his shirt to cover his nose. “That fucking stinks, Awsten!” His hand was attempting to wave the smell away from him. “Did someone just crap their pants?..” A sleepy voice came from Otto's room, his head still under his blanket. “Awsten’s dinner is not agreeing with him.” Geoff replied, now wide awake from being gassed. “It was totally worth it!” Awsten laughed again, wiggling his bottom and pushing out a series of hot farts, each one being worse than the last.


“Ugghhh…” Awsten's stomach got louder, it sounded like a war was going on in there. He scrunched his eyes shut and got on his stomach, forcing a gas bubble up. “Better watch it, bubble guts. I'm not gonna help you clean up..” Otto teased him. “I'm not gonna shit myself! I-I'm just really fucking gassy…” Awsten groaned, a quick fart immediately slipping out. “Awsten, I'm gonna sleep on the ground outside if you keep farting. That's how bad it is.” Geoff sighed, putting his pillow over his face. “I just- rrrgh… I have a few more…” Awsten whined, trying to get it all out of his system. He gasped and pressed his face against his own pillow, releasing a final fart out into the air. “Aahh!!”


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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