Sneaking to Alfea

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The next day, Veronique was in her room while being grounded with the Trix for 2 weeks because she and her team failed on stealing the Rubix.

"Im so trapped here." Veronique groaned

"But I couldnt let them take the Rubix. Im happy that the Winx got the rubix before the Trix does." Veronique thought again

"Maybe I could sneak out of here." Veronique suddenly thought of a plan to be a good guy and get the Winx's trust

Veronique packed her outfits, shoes, jewels, and her money in a small pink suitcase.

Veronique slowly came out from the window and locked the window again.

15 mins later, Veronique saw Alfea College under her.

"Maybe I just need to sneak slowly to Alfea College." Veronique thought

Veronique took a deep breath and went in Alfea College.

She slowly hid behind the walls until the coast was clear.

Then, she went in the building. There, she heard Headmistress Faragonda talking to Griselda. Veronique quickly hid between the walls.

"I dont think the Winx can handle such power." Headmistress Faragonda worriedly said

"The Ancestral Witches made the rubix to control the Magic Dimension and the Great Dragon kept the Ancestral witches inside a flame cage and took over the Rubix and killed the evil curse. And, the Great Dragon dissapeared. And, the Rubix now controlled over the powers of the Magic Dimension. But, one day, the Ancestral Witches openned the flame cage and went back inside the Rubix and the Rubix became dark again and that's what made Oritel and Marion stuck inside the darkness dimension." Headmaster Faragonda explained

"But, the Winx defeated the Ancestral Witches, also Valtor, and they became the Company of Light." Griselda said

"I don't know, whether the rubix is already turned into the light, but I have to tell the Winx not to use the Rubix's powers. It could danger themselves or others or even the whole magic Universe." Headmistress Faragonda said

"You already warned them before. Im sure they'll listen to you." Griselda said

"Thank you, Griselda. You may come out." Headmistress Faragonda said

Veronique was worried that Griselda might attack her, so she ran to the music room.

There, she saw Musa playing her instruments. When Musa saw Veronique, Musa transformed into her Enchantix.

Musa tried to hurt Veronique, but Veronique stopped her

"wait! Just give me time to explain." Veronique said

"Okay, I'll give you time." Musa said

"So, I realized that the Trix ever laid their hands on the Rubix of 6 elements might be danger and otw to the Emotion Kingdom, I found a golden locket *pointing to the golden locket she's wearing* that belonged to my father, and he said that I should join you fairies and help you guys secure the Rubix and I really regretted my mistakes *with tears in her eyes*" Veronique explained

"Im sorry, I thought you only wanted to gain power, but, now, I see you didnt understand that being a witch isnt good. but maybe I'll need to talk with Bloom about your forgiveness. FYI, I forgive you." Musa felt bad

Musa powerred down.

Musa brought Veronique to Bloom. Bloom was in her dorm. 

"Bloom, *knocked on the door* can I come in?" Musa called

"Veronique, wait here." Musa whisperred

"Okay." Veronique stayed and she was scared to meet Bloom.

"Musa, why did you come here?" Bloom asked as she came out from her dorm

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