Finding a Spy

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The next day, the Trix asked 5 good CT trainees to the halls. The Trix allowed the CT Elite to come out of their rooms only during the witch trainee's tests.

CT = Cloud Tower

"So, you all trainees have been called, one of the members of our elite has joined the Winx, convince her to come back to us, and if she doesnt want to come back to us, you'll use yr dark magic, I will only 1 best witch." Icy said

All the trainee witches were competitive against each other.

"The test is to avoid the stone dragon that Stormy made. If you get turned into stone, you'll be out of this game. And, if the witch passes this test, she will be the newest members in the Cloud Tower Elite." Icy explained the test

"Now, shall we begin the test?" Darcy asked

"Ready as I'll ever be." One of the witch replied, whose name is Carla Delgado

Her parents had died since she was 5, and she wanted to be a witch ever since. She wore a  yellow dress, a green necklace and earrings, and an orange ribbon braided in her hair.

"Are you sure?" Skipper, who was also a trainee witch, was worried that Carla Delgado would be the newest member of the Cloud Tower Elite

"Im not even scared." Carla Delgado replied

"Me too." Skipper huffed

"Hey, lil' girls, dont be so sure, maybe I'll be winning." Leah replied

"Hey, you may think a 16 year old cant pass this test, but, watch out, 'cause Im gonna succeed the test and be the newest members of the Cloud Tower Elite." Carla scoffed

"Ready, set, go!" Darcy said

All the trainee witches thought they are ready for this.

The 1st witch, Leah, tried to attack the dragon, with her fire powers, but the dragon turned her to stone.

The 2 witches, Keyla and Valerie ran because they're scared.

Lazuli and Rhody watched in horror. But, Kanika, Jade, and Zulema watched disinterestedly.

The 2nd witch, Skipper, tried to kill the dragon, by launching a music wave, but the dragon was too powerful, and threw the wave back at her. Skipper was very weak and the dragon turned her to stone.

All the CT Elite members watched in horror.

The 3rd witch, Carla, distracted the dragon

"Hey, dragon. Try catching me." Carla waved her hands in front of the dragon

The dragon was so angry that he shot his ultimate power, but Carla created a mirror. And, the spell reflected into the dragon and the dragon died.

"See!" Carla was proud of herself

"Good, you've proven yourself. Go join the others." Darcy said

All the CT Elite members were happy that they got a new member.

Carla joined CT Elite.

"Hey, welcome to the team." Lazuli said

"Good,  I cant wait to hurt fairies." Carla said

"Im Kanika, youre Carla Delgado right?" Kanika asked

"Yes. I wanna know each of your names and yr powers." Carla replied

"I'm Lazuli, I'm the witch of water, I can do Dark Ray and spray people with water." Lazuli introduced

"I'm Rhody, I'm the witch of Magnets and Music, I can do Dark Ray too, create disharmony tunes and use magnets to point people to me." RHody introduced

"I'm Kanika, witch of Gravity, I can do Dark Ray too, trap people in a green orb and I can control the orb." Kanika introduced

"I'm Jade, witch of Nature, I can do Dark Ray too, trap people in plants." Jade introduced

"I'm Zulema, witch of Flames, I can do Dark Ray too, and make a red dragon too." Zulema introduced

"All witches can do Dark Ray, I'm Carla Delgado, I can make mirrors, make a storm, and freeze fairy wings." Carla scoffed

"WOw! You're so powerful." Kanika was amazed

"Why, thank you." Carla replied

"Now, everyone, return back to yr dorms. Tomorrow, you'll have a mission to get Veronique back." ICy roderred

Carla and the other CT Elite members came back to their dorms.

Meanwhile in Alfea's music room...............

Musa had found a perfect plan to protect Alfea. She called Veronique, Stella, and Flora to play the perfect harmony. 
Musa sang, Veronique played the piano, Stella played the drums, and Flora played the tambourine. And, it created a harmony that protected Alfea

"We did it!" Veronique cheered

"Let's go out of the building to check whether Alfea's already protected." Musa said

Stella, Flora, Veronique, and Musa went out the building to check if the music they played before protected Alfea or not.

"It worked." Stella cheered

"Now, Alfea is safe." Flora said

They all went back inside.

Meanwhile at Cloud Tower............

Carla was happy that she got the chance to prove to be a CT Elite member.

Carla's thoughts:

"Now, I can destroy the fairy's powers. Im so proud of myself. And, I really hate the Winx. Being the CT Elite is my dream."
"Who is this Veronique girl?"

"Wait, its the white ponytail girl."
"I Cant wait to be better than her."

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